Friday, February 25, 2011

Celie and Nettie Comparison

              The obvious differences between Celie and Nettie are that they both had different ways to live their lives, though Celie life was ruined due to her step dad raping her. But in addition, a part where Celie notices that the dad was looking at Nettie in such ways that seemed to suggest that she was going to be his next victim.  But luckily Celie foiled his plans and so forth was able to save Nettie and allowed her to stay in school and get educated while Celie had to suffer for her sister in order to give her a path in life. The book this is called the Color Purple by Alice Walker. The Genre of the book is fiction as there is no proof as she does claim these were real people.
            The first difference was religious and spirituality differences In Celie and Nettie. Celie at first, was a follower of god but as she started to think for herself and became more… knowledgeable… she began to resent god “I don’t write to god no more…” and when Shug asked what happened to god she replied with “Who that? I say.”(192)  though, later on she does admit to be more spiritual. Shug convinces her to be happy and that god is everywhere, though not exactly because she said that if it is for god to be everywhere you also have to believe he is there in your heart so that you could enjoy life. While Nettie differences is that she turned her religion into a career and she does in fact believe in god as said on page 171 in a letter that was for Celie but it never reached her on the date it was supposed to because Albert took the message away. Though Celie did find them and read them and at the end of this specific letter Nettie wrote “I trust god they will” and also on page 143 when she said “I dare not ask, I know. But leave it all to God.”
            The second difference about Celie and Nettie was their opinion of Gender Inequality. For Celie, gender inequality always been a problem for her as she really did believe  in men being superior to women. This is caused by this chain of thought coming from one single phase she had mentioned “I only want to survive” (page 21). But in Nettie’s view of gender inequality, she finds it unfair and actually tries to fight it. Since she did not fear the men who tried to oppress her and fought back willingly except at some parts to respect others culture. As such on page 161 here she fights for Olivia’s friend Tashi “Tashi is very intelligent, I said. She could be a teacher. A nurse. She could help the people in the village.”
            The third difference was the people that were there to help the two during their entire life. For Celie, she was mostly able to survive because God was one of the people that helped her. He was sort of a training wheel for her till she was able to take care of herself and live for herself. Another person that helped Celie was Shug who did tremendous things and got her off her training wheels. So she was able to see the world in a very different way other than seeing god as a white man with a beard or even thinking Christianity is a religion by whites but to think more spiritually. By seeing the world as it is and live happy throughout it by enjoying life, and making it suitable for herself. Another couple of people I think that helped Celie were Sophia who helped her to develop the idea of fighting back males. For Nettie she had the help of her older sister because if her step dad impregnated her then she would be taken out of school and ended probably just like Celie. Another person that helped Celie I think was the reverend who actually sort of took care of Nettie and was a great friend to Nettie while also giving her a new way to live her life.
These two love each other very much but they are opposites. But it’s mostly because of their father as he ruined the very life of Celie ruining her life completely though, she was able to protect Nettie from possibly suffering the same fate and so they could live two different life styles as Celie was more demoralized and suffered for it through the prime of her years though she found happiness at the end of it but still, she lost the prime of her years while Nettie was able to enjoy hers.