Friday, August 27, 2010

This is from Mercedes Blog which i find very good because she sure does give off a persuasive saying and i think its perfect for the ASTI Constitution.

Stop and think. How do you react to a person with say, a birth defect? You automatically find them unpleasant and do your best to avoid them. I’ve seen in the head. I many a friend shy away from that one kid in a wheelchair, or that kid who isn’t quite right you take a chance and be nice to them, you’d be surprised at what you find. Though of course, in some cases you were right to shy away in the first place.
 The three saying for this i think goes perfect with it. And these are the three three: Accept others for who they are, seven: Strive to understand where other people are coming from; be empathetic, and last but not least... nine: Make a positive impact on the people and environment around you. Its really true and it has evidence practically, while it also SHOWS why the ASTI constitution is extremely needed and to prove further on my fact lets really imagine what ASTI would be like without it this constitution, and by my imagination, I say chaos itself with kids on each other beating at them or something close. Since we saw how discrimination of differences worked out for the English and saw past pretext about this proving it further that this is important and that it is needed. I also believe that ASTI wouldn't have probably been the school it is now if it weren't for this constitution which concludes my comment/argument.

What if people can make up a random holiday anytime they want...

hehe if i can do that i'm so making Eltons day

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Page 12... food

Wow is all i can say at this very moment. I did not know about the food I was eating and the corruption of the FDA. But the short food cycle that Pollan suggested seems like the better way to get healthy than those food companies claiming to be producing food said to be healthy. But its not that Americans can't eat healthy food, its just in my opinion, that food companies wouldn't allow it as they try to fatten us even more up to making us addicted to these so called "healthy" food but i also think because of no money and no time that we can't really get the food our body needs since farmer market are just a bit more expensive then fast food/frozen food. Since they only care about profit which i am not so shocked about. But the reason for out bad diet, is all those substances we can't say or pronounce or have no clue about and like Pollan said, we should buy food directly from the farm or we can actually get the corrupted FDA and replace them with better people who only want healthier diet for america. But the only thing i can do at home is actually do what Pollan said, subscribe to those farm things and let them send over healthy food keeping my body nutritious instead of those scheming food company fattening my up and giving us barely any of the nutrients we need.

Page 1 oh fun :P

      As a student, responsibility is a choice but also a thing we must willingly do if we do not want to give up on ourself, the people who believe in us, and even our country as Barack Obama stated in his speech in Arlington, Virginia. So i feel that us, as students must treat out education with great importance or a path that will decide our future as a human being because its what exactly education is. A student must also attend school unless you were sick, attending something of great importance to you personally, and if you broke a few bones but other than that go to school. Though there are also things you must do like give your teacher your full attention while also keeping track of what your teacher taught you, stopping bullying and fighting. During my school years I want to take in as much information I can since i'm interested in so many things like history or mythology so I don't just have one goal in education. One failure in my life that soon led to success was this history test. I didn't understand most of it so i got a failing grade, but after that i understood what my teacher wanted and the next time we took the test i passed it but just barely.

Page 13 ^_^

       A time when i was in a alliance to make someone feel bad was when i was in fifth grade and it was between these two people who has been best friends. I don remember much after that because i wasn't really involved in the argument for who's right and who's wrong. However i do remember a part towards its finale was quite humorous while also everything being solved and everything going back too normal. Even so during the fight i had a option to back out as my friend gave me, but i joined because i wanted to help him out. I think people bully others for three reasons. The first one is that the bully is afraid that people are going to pick on him/her first so he/she intimidate people by bullying  saying that he or she is not a push over. Bullies may also do it to show others that he's better than everyone by showing dominance. But bullies could do it because of simply jealousy which is means emotional trouble.