Friday, August 27, 2010

This is from Mercedes Blog which i find very good because she sure does give off a persuasive saying and i think its perfect for the ASTI Constitution.

Stop and think. How do you react to a person with say, a birth defect? You automatically find them unpleasant and do your best to avoid them. I’ve seen in the head. I many a friend shy away from that one kid in a wheelchair, or that kid who isn’t quite right you take a chance and be nice to them, you’d be surprised at what you find. Though of course, in some cases you were right to shy away in the first place.
 The three saying for this i think goes perfect with it. And these are the three three: Accept others for who they are, seven: Strive to understand where other people are coming from; be empathetic, and last but not least... nine: Make a positive impact on the people and environment around you. Its really true and it has evidence practically, while it also SHOWS why the ASTI constitution is extremely needed and to prove further on my fact lets really imagine what ASTI would be like without it this constitution, and by my imagination, I say chaos itself with kids on each other beating at them or something close. Since we saw how discrimination of differences worked out for the English and saw past pretext about this proving it further that this is important and that it is needed. I also believe that ASTI wouldn't have probably been the school it is now if it weren't for this constitution which concludes my comment/argument.

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