Friday, October 29, 2010

Reflectiive essay

            This semester for this year I am really surprised at how much easier it is to type up an essay and put it up on your blog then to write it up, type it, and then bring it back to school. It is easier because sometimes I forget my essay and get a bad grade on it. This really makes me feel stupid and angry at myself and I will get this really bad feeling in my gut which will mess up my concentration. Though another thing why I enjoy typing up an essay instead of writing is it quicker and faster and you start to think faster because you don’t take as much time as you do when writing. And another thing why I enjoy it is because when I type down… it is really my ideas, my thoughts, my feeling... its just there as my fingers make up my idea into words. I also like the blog as I can use it to keep track of my ideas instead of just saying “Eh…” and throw it away as it will take up more physical space. But as you notice, if I put it on my blog it will be a journal, a way of how I can keep track of my ideas because it will take up less physical space and less likely to throw it away.
            A change I had notice since Mr. Sutherland post up instructions and make it due Friday night at 11:59:59. I find it a lot less stressful and I’ve been seeing a bit improvements but not much in my writing so far because I’ve been having lots of problem with writing how I talk instead of just writing it with the correct rubric, or instruction. I’ve also been having problems with how I do run-on sentences. Another thing I’ve been having more problems with is writer blocks, since I type up faster then I can my brain usually can keep up so then I have to think a bit before I start typing up again. Though there are more problems with writing things up as its way too slow and sometimes I lose my thought before I get around to it. Also typing has helped my grammar just a little bit as online corrections tells me my mechanical errors or even sometimes help me fix my sentences unlike writing which you only have your own eyes to correct yourself.
            In my blog though I’ve found how it is a lot more fun to type as you can mess with the font and the color of your typing and also decorate your blog which acts like a “journal” or a “diary” or just something that helps you keep track with what you have typed. Though another thing is that if we do it online we can read other peoples work too, and get an idea of what we are supposed to do. But what I enjoy most about doing out homework on blogs is that we use our own individual creative minds to set out our blogs. Though one more thing, I find it more interesting to review now, since now you don’t really have your teachers breathing down your neck as you correct your blogs and fix it, making it less like homework and just a fun activity, and what more is that it will never end since there will be no final draft ever as long as if there exist the human opinion namely “criticisms”. Even so it is also great to read the feed back from people since they might put something more truthful, or something funny that will make you actually listen as I have found out. But what makes me think like is Mrs. Corbally, as she says that we have to be nice in our review, making it less like our own opinions.
            But writing blogs has also has a great influence over my life. As I had explained that typing up a blog is less stressful then writing up an essay in my first paragraph. As you can see I’m supremely grateful for this new formation of homework and I have to thank you Mr. Sutherland for this as you just took a great load off my back. But typing up blogs also had other influence like giving me the new pleasure to try and talk about stories I have come up with, even though I may not have a great deal of story telling and I’m still a bit shy on actually posting my stories. Even so I hope I will soon. And also there’s another thing I like about blog as we can make up debates or ask really important question. The debate part is kind of fun as you can be aggressive towards it and say OBJECTION (only online though but would be fun if we could do it at class). It also really cool too get feedback on your blog for a question in daily life… for instance “why do people make fun of Justin Bieber” I’ve wondered about it for a while and finally… I got a chance to upload it too somewhere people were everyone in your class can see.
            In the end I think blogging really changed my idea of English… sine I think I have thoroughly explained that it is not fun to do blogging, how it is less stressful, easier to do, and just a huge load off my back. It great just knowing that it has really changed how I write because now I can have more editing done onto my essay which is totally great and I think it was for the best that this has happen and therefore I am happy to say ALRIGHTY . So, in all great ends of this essay, I am happy and this should be an idea passed around the school district as it is just great, really great. But also if this were to be taken away… then I would really fight for this way of doing things.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

List of ideas when i become Emperor of the world

  1. Build more schools in 3rd area worlds
  2. Set up stronger police forces
  3. Add more pay to teachers and professors
  4. Limit robot production and how many each company can get
  5. Try and setup a democratic rule afterwards
  6. Focus more on technological advances and economics
  7. Fund more projects that would help large areas

Conflict Of Mice And Men

The author of the 1937 novella Of Mice and Men was John Steinbeck. The Novella story is about these two characters; George and Lennie. They travel to a ranch and get jobs but as fate has it, Lennie gets in trouble and George probably thought this was a never ending cycle. The central conflict of this story Character Vs Fate, as George speaks of what others fates are as his own will be different with Lennie.
            “Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world. They got no family. They don’t belong no place. They come to a ranch an’ work up a stake and then they go inta town and blow their stake, and the first thing you know they’re pound in’ their tail on some other ranch. They ain’t got nothing to look ahead to.”
            “With us it ain’t like that. We got a future. We got somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us. We don’t have to sit in no bar room blowin’ in our jack jus’ because we got no place else to go. If them other guys gets in jail they can rot for all anybody gives a damn. But not us.”
            The fate of which George speaks in this quote, talks about how others are like that and as George said they aren’t. This was his first step with Lennie to defying their fate, but in the epic attempt it failed dramatically. The part in which they defy fate was at the second paragraph of this quote when George said “With us it ain’t like that…”.showing their fate will be different from others but their fate was made and was only changed a bit. But as George said “They ain’t got nothing to look ahead to.” which was a truth that George and Lennie did not want to accept. It was another part of which they tried to defy the fate of which they were set on at this period of time. This quote is significant though as it shows the mind of everyone. Attempting to be special in anyway, so if you apply this to daily life, there is a sad truth behind this fate in which almost everyone ends up with.
            The next example of the central conflict of Of Mice and Men has to do with the illusion of the human mind showing how simple George and Lennie are.
            They were silent. They looked at one another, amazed. This thing they had never really believed in was coming true. George said reverently, “Jesus Christ! I bet we could swing her.” His eyes were full of wonder. “I bet we could swing her,” he repeated softly.
            This quote talks about the illusion George, Lennie, and Candy has in mind of how they think they will actually get the land. But they did not think ahead of what they might endure or what would happen, blinded with the idea, they did not think ahead of any of the intrusion of other variables will have on there plan. Even so, a strong part of this quote was the second and third sentence. “They looked at one another, amazed. This thing they had never really believed in was coming true.” This is a particularly clear example of the struggle against fate. It’s a very common idea though, even probably back then, but it very significant in its own way as no one really ever pays attention to this saying “It’s better to be safe then sorry.” concluding that if ill prepared and your going up against fate, do not expect great results.

            One of the very last quotes of Of Mice and Men that support the thesis for George and Lennie, how they were against fate till the very end.
            And George raised the gun and steadied it, and he brought the muzzle of it close to the back of Lennie’s head. The hand shook violently, but his face set and his hand steadied. He pulled the trigger. The crash of the shot rolled up the hills and rolled down again. Lennie jarred, and then settled slowly forward to the sand, and he lay without quivering.
            This last and final statement, sad as it was, finally brought up the idea that George can accept his fate and Lennie being himself, did not know how to even go about this. It felt like George had Lennie fate in his hand, since George was the one that killed Lennie when he did the action “He pulled the trigger”, showing that Lennie had no choice to begin with. Uniquely enough though this quote is an important example of how life is basically controlled by others in a endless chain, indirectly or directly which is basically what I think this quote meant.

The conclusion was significant, as it was told by two people who have been together for a long time and during the great depression too. They also talk about their dreams, a simple dream which was nearly impossible at that time. But they still worked towards what they dreamt, towards the ranch fighting off the fate they did not want to accept. This was how they said how others were to travel all over the place, work their wage, take their money, and then spend it at bars so in the end that’s what George ended up doing. Of Mice and Men also shows how on a daily basis that we all go up against fate, as we fight for the path we want, not what fate gives us and as we constantly do so, only some succeed while most others fail.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Random outburst :P


Response for Tiffany Cao

       Tiffany for one thing you should know that I only forfeited my ideas of thinking being "Serious is boring". But you also said that I was a bad boy friend for "FORGETTING" my girl friend birthday. BUT if you read carefully I said "I love how I can forget my girl friends birthday and anniversary" see the word can, I just said how I can, and you’re jumping the gun saying that I forgot my girl friends birthday. But I did not since I can remember it easily now and I was also putting up the point that said I can easily remember without any pressure.
While right now, you are forcing your ideal boy friend down my throat, if you know by now some guys can't remember people birthday well, such as me. Also I said that I tried to remember by asking her everyday for the first two week of our relationship.
But also Tiffany you also said how you wonder what my life is about, and even you tried to predict it. But you don’t really know me enough to really do that, I understand that depending on people is bad but I can’t help it, this system works for me. But I also like how my life is, depending on people for support, I feel more relaxed that way and right then you told me how to live my life, I know your trying to help me, but have you ever considered not all people are alike. And so far this system works for me so you should be okay with it too unless it really interferes with you.
Tiffany, by now you should know that you and my girl friend don’t think alike, she knows that I can’t remember it well so she reminds me when it’s close and then you know how much I go to as to remind myself too, I write little notes just about anywhere to remember it. So please Tiffany, don’t predict how a person will live or even tell them how to live.
P.S. Tiffany I’m sorry
if my tone sounds mean
but this is the way how I
like to live my life