Friday, October 8, 2010

Response for Tiffany Cao

       Tiffany for one thing you should know that I only forfeited my ideas of thinking being "Serious is boring". But you also said that I was a bad boy friend for "FORGETTING" my girl friend birthday. BUT if you read carefully I said "I love how I can forget my girl friends birthday and anniversary" see the word can, I just said how I can, and you’re jumping the gun saying that I forgot my girl friends birthday. But I did not since I can remember it easily now and I was also putting up the point that said I can easily remember without any pressure.
While right now, you are forcing your ideal boy friend down my throat, if you know by now some guys can't remember people birthday well, such as me. Also I said that I tried to remember by asking her everyday for the first two week of our relationship.
But also Tiffany you also said how you wonder what my life is about, and even you tried to predict it. But you don’t really know me enough to really do that, I understand that depending on people is bad but I can’t help it, this system works for me. But I also like how my life is, depending on people for support, I feel more relaxed that way and right then you told me how to live my life, I know your trying to help me, but have you ever considered not all people are alike. And so far this system works for me so you should be okay with it too unless it really interferes with you.
Tiffany, by now you should know that you and my girl friend don’t think alike, she knows that I can’t remember it well so she reminds me when it’s close and then you know how much I go to as to remind myself too, I write little notes just about anywhere to remember it. So please Tiffany, don’t predict how a person will live or even tell them how to live.
P.S. Tiffany I’m sorry
if my tone sounds mean
but this is the way how I
like to live my life



  1. Unless it shows importance. and your "were magics begins" isn't Where and not were? How you can forget it? Yes I see the word can, but could she be saying that out of pity? I used to be in your shoes and right now I am telling you to avoid it as well. Depending people is not good. You can't depend on everyone. You have to be independent. Even though the "system" works for you, it is a bad habit. Do you ever feel bad that she has to remind you? I can predict anyone's life with my free will...It can be wrong and that's fine. So please don't tell me what I can't do. If you are going to say that as well, call if a suggestion and opinion.

  2. Well Tiffany maybe for you but you still can't really tell for my future. if you think about it you don't know what might happend and yes magic does begin but in my point of view though

  3. no no!! Your user name is "were magic begins" isn't suppose to be Where?

  4. Well my grammar sucks so i'mma leave it like that just because it defies the law of grammar

  5. Oh... my goodness. seriously Elton? was this really necessary? This thing happened, what, a week ago? Let it gooooo.
