Friday, January 14, 2011

Death and Balance

You know, no one wants to die... but for me i don’t really mind and sometimes in my state of... mood... i wish for it at times but I’ve always found time to be around it. I only have a problem of how I’m going to die, which i wish would be quick and painless because i don’t want to die slowly and painfully or even watch how i will slowly deteriorate even though it might be painless. But even so we all have this function in our brain that keeps us surviving and unaccepted of death till we can’t take it no more and the end result... being suicidal actions.

Even so i don’t want to die too old either or even too young, the way how i probably exactly want to die is going to be fifty to sixty, being full with expensive and tasty food, and probably dieing in some happy state of sort without regrets. Bit much to ask but that is really the way how i want to die because i don’t want to die with any regrets nor on a empty stomach. But you know, not most people get to choose there death so that’s kind of unfair even though we get to choose how we live.

Just another thing about this is that i wonder what life would be without death, unable to die, to live freely forever... to not be able to be burnt, stabbed, freeze or anything that can cause death. I really do wonder what will happen, it seems sort of interesting and funny, but sad and depressing at the same time because you never know what humans might come up with if such things were too happen and I'm partly afraid of the idealism of that.

One more thing is that i wonder why nature wants us to die, really though why must life end, is it because of balance or what, how do we even know that this is true balance for all we could possibly comprehend... chaos could be balance. But either way the balance of life is very interesting though for you to gain you have to lose so behind every death of a human there is a gain of something else.

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