Thursday, January 20, 2011

Should Child Actors Be Role Models?

Pros side of this:

Child actors should be Role Models because since they are well known and just about everywhere, they could be a huge influence over the children over the world. So using that advantage to our own, as Gandhi said children are our future we could possibly use them to create a peaceful world by using them to teach of right and wrong and the consequences.
Plus child actors should be role models is that every child will look up to them more often and understand them more better if we let them tell it because there attention will be diverted to the Child Actors and therefore it would be better to have celebrities to tell kids from rights and wrongs and make them understand what to deal with while making it easier to learn for them from a self study on myself. As i would much rather watch my favorite cartoon character tell me about the news then Obama himself.
Another thing is that i think child actors are only bad to the public is because of paparazzi and i would definitely agree that it would be annoying having someone around always taking picture of me. But if celebrities were allowed freedom of privacy then they would be much better role models as we would not know their bad side and let them be without pestering them and destroying a life just because of one video that not only other people do.
One more pro for why the only reason Celebrities such as Hannah Montana looks bad... is just because she did drugs which in fact is her own life to choose, and lots of people have done too... but she is now labeled as a “bad role model” is because she tried to enjoy life through drugs, in my opinion the only reason she looks bad is that because some back stabbing friend sent it out to try and ruin her reputation which they have succeeded and because of this i think she has no rights as a U.S. citizen. She does not have the right to have privacy. But one reason as to why i think she isn’t that bad because she only probably tried it or she probably would never have shown anyone or tell them that she does drugs.
(a link i got from Kims which was a great point to explain this if you look at the comments too

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