Thursday, April 7, 2011

Master Chief

The title of my book is The Flood, by William C. Dietz, on which is a Sci-fi story, on the subject of just entertainment. Okay, so Master Chief is this bad ass Super human wearing a green armor called the MLJHONG which was named after the hammer of Thor. He is part of a project called the SPARTAN project which was to make a bunch of super humans to help the humans defeat the Covenant which are these religious aliens, and yes aliens because they have all these different types with the top being these weird alien people who are like the priest and pope called the Prophets (egotistic much huh) and then it goes from the Elites which are the race which is supposedly blessed and are almost as powerful as a SPARTAN but not strong enough, and then it goes to the rest which are the Hunters, Jackals, and the grunts, there is one more race though but I forgot which is known to be very good at technology no matter who it came from. But anyways back on topic, Master Chief real name is John and his tag is Spartan-117 which is often used for his name. He was kidnapped at age 6 by a women who was leading the SPARTAN project, for his abilities that were abnormal, but because of this ability he was taken away from his family and was cloned and in place of him was taken by his clone. He was one of the remaining 26 survivors out of a couple hundred kids because they died off during training, did not survive the drugs, or was deformed from the drugs to the capability that they weren’t able to move or such not. But either way, these 26 was quickly reduced to 1 as Master Chief is the only survivor, and just as so he was the leader. But because of the SPARTAN PROJECT he is the “Human Alien” which is sort of offensive as he is consider a outcast, but even so I think it’s unfair as he is still a human being, enjoying the simple things such as a shower. “Though brief, the shower felt good, very good, and the Spartan enjoyed every second of it” Here he enjoys the bath he was given and seriously, which human wouldn’t enjoy a nice bath.


  1. I like this post because it relates to the question about describing a character. I think you described master chief well. I got a clear picture of him in my head. My only suggestion would be to be less informal. Dont use words like bad ass.

  2. Elton, I liked this post because it introduces the character and relates to the prompt of analyzing a character. But, for the basic book review, you need to include tags and a summary of the book, without spoilers. I agree with Colin it is a bit informal.

  3. I think like I wrote on Vics blog is that there's no separation between the quotes this makes it kinda hard to understand where your quotes lie and the connection they have to what your saying. Like I said before to vic there's going to be alot of people who have run on paragraphs and there not going to state what question there answer so just do that.

  4. you did well. The story seems really interesting, but it seems like you put a lot of your own opinions or views in there, please don't. Instead of putting your own interpretations of the characters tell us what their role in the story is, and if you'd like, concentrate on your favorite group and talk about them and their goal. Seems like you don't understand the book much or maybe skimmed through it (based on your story tell). Go over it again, good luck.
