Friday, April 1, 2011

Confusion and Fear

After looking through many vignettes, these 3 stood out to me most because it seemed to me that these feelings were occurring in many forms but was still the same. There was a bit of mixed emotions though as it was about confusion and fear. The three people that I found the similarity amongst were Mercedes(Middle), Susan(The Bees), and Aakash or A-kash or even Aakashoe.(Nepal in Crisis)
The first one that I read before noticing the similarities was Mercedes, in her blog she talks about how middle school was hell for her, and that I can definitely relate too. But what I found most surprising was the way she incorporated the years throughout middle school and giving a brief description for each, and I find it funny because that was almost exactly how middle school was for me. A quote I found linked up to the others was during her first year in middle school, 6th grade and her first impression of the school:
Wood wasn't a good place to be, never will be a good place again, judging by how it's doing as of late...  It started with 6th grade, which was supposed to be the worst year of middle school, according to various sources. We were the underdogs, the little kids on big kid planet. I got lost so easily... the school seemed huge. I was so happy to have Aiyana with me…”
Here, Mercedes seemed to be a bit fearful of middle school, and from that, I was not surprised because everyone would be scared after changing to a new school, a whole entire new school that is. But she was happy or relieved when her friend Aiyana was around.
Secondly, I noticed Susan blog had almost the same effect of atmospheric relationships amongst Mercedes and Aakash as her is about fear of the unknown, as she didn’t have enough information about the bee of which she was terrified of back then. But after she got what known information of the bee, she wasn’t afraid no more so relating back to as to the fear of the unknown:
I used to be afraid of bees. I used to scream at the sight of them, run away, hide in the corner of my room until Mutti came to get me. When I was younger there were a lot of bees where I lived. They were innocent, of course. All bees are. A bee will not sting a person unless it is necessary- for when they sting a person, they die. All of their organs pool out and they fall to the ground, only to be stomped on.
The fear of being stung from a little bee seemed to have frighten Susan but as she started to get information on the subject, she started to think they were cute as they were fuzzy but just as well as if they were stun, then they would die so the bees had to be careful of who they stung.
The last one was Aakash blog on his time in Nepal during the time of revolution, the fear of dyeing would scare just about anyone but I guess he would be at that age and time because you could just be randomly shot at and your life, gone in a instant so I thought it was pretty interesting and that it was natural to feel such feelings during a time of war. 

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