Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Third quote of the assignment

            This quote from page 111 for the story “The Dinosaur”

            Since then I had learned many things, and above all the way in which Dinosaurs conquer. First I had believed that disappearing had been, for my brothers, the magnanimous acceptance of defeat; now I knew that the more the Dinosaurs disappear, the more they extend their dominion,

            This very last quote for this assignment to show what Qfwfq is like, interested me the most. For this Qfwfq finally understand the greatness of the Dinosaurs disappearance. Confused as why they had accepted such a magnanimous defeat. He now has the respect for them and happily accept their way of thinking. Knowing full well that as each dinosaur passes away they extend their dominance. Now showing how Qfwfq can be understanding just as long as time passes by for him to learn and abstract information to get a better idea of what ideas had confused him.

Second quote for the assignment

            This quote from page 102 for the story “The Dinosaur”

            “I’d like to see him in battle, with that little lizard mouth of his…” Zahn went on contemptuously, goading me
            I went over to him, abruptly, nose to nose. “You can see me right now, if you don’t run away.”

            This quote showed how Qfwfq is prideful of his own race even though he may seem to dislike his own race. I think secretly he cares about them but he just misunderstood them as to why they died. The reason why was when Zahn said “…little lizard mouth of his…” which was a racist comment towards dinosaur even though Zahn didn’t know he really was. As you can see when Qfwfq responded back and was willing to fight back when he could have easily turned it down. Or my hypothesis can be wrong and that he actually fought for himself then he would just be a self prideful dinosaur.

First quote for the Assignment

            This quote on page 97 and on page 98 for the story “The Dinosaurs”.
            I spent many, many years on those deserted plateaus. I had survived ambushes, epidemics, starvation, frost: but I was alone. To go on staying up there forever was impossible for me. I started the journey down.
            The world has changed: I couldn’t recognize the mountains anymore, or the rivers, or the trees. The first time I glimpsed some living beings, I hid: it was a flock of the New Ones, small specimens, but strong.

            What this shows was how Qfwfq was a strong survivor. As he survived many dangers in the plateaus such as ambushes, epidemics, starvation, and frost. But what had made him a strong survivor was also his brain as he knew to hide from the new ones as they were small and strong. Even though he was strong, he was in need of a community as he felt alone. Knowing this he came down from the plateaus to find company and comfort to fill this feeling as he didn’t want to die alone emphasizing “… but I was alone.”.

Romance the Continues of Continueing

            This Quote on Susan blog was a little… something I would strong disagree about but it can be true on some parts.

            Ok, ok. Some people don't have good relationship. Want to know why? Because they're too young and they haven't lived long enough. Anyways, not ever relationship is going to work out. A lot of times a person has to date a lot of people before they find "They One." Teenagers- including myself- are not mature enough to "fall in love". Think of it this way- if you aren't ready to buy a house or have a kid or hold down a really important job, then you aren't ready to have a serious relationship, which is what "falling in love" is all about.

            I can’t deny that this is part of what love is, but in the long run love is undefined oh how it happens. Love is random so I must correct you Susan as love has many ways of happening and your just giving a simple 1 way version of it. And as you know there is an infinite possibility of how love happens. But in no way am I also saying that you’re wrong as it is true that this is a way of how love is in some people opinion. Though why would you not believe in love too Susan, well true love, even though I’m not very sure myself if it even exist. But if you think about it true love can be a possibility and a “fake idea” at the same time as true love is an idea that comes from our imagination. So I really do hope you reconsider you solution to as why people only reason to a bad relationship. There are also tons of dependant variables that cause relationship to be hell. For an example, a constant abuse of the female from the men or the female leeching money off of the man for her own purpose. So really I do hope you consider my opinion as it more freely spoken and the basic opinion of most people in this world.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Favorite shows tee hee :3(Free Topic)

            My favorite show is whatever I like, I vary on what I love and hate but I usually get so glued into one show that I will watch till the end even if it doesn’t seem to interesting to me personally. But I guess my favorite show would be School Rumble a anime I watched which is a romantic comedy. Suggesting to myself my favorite type is romantic comedy for one thing I love funny things but also I love to watch people fall in love for some reason.

            Another Show I like is a show called Ben 10: Alien Force… yes I know it’s a cartoon but I love cartoons ever since I first watched it, I grew up on cartoons and cartoons are what gives me my dreams and imagine how it would be like a little to be in their shoe. But they don’t just do that they also give me the ideas that make me who I am so if they take out cartoons I would be a walking sack of meat sent from whatever sent me to bore people to death or just be gloomy at most

            Last but not least, I love reality shows too. My favorite I think would be Zach And Cody suite life on seas or something close to that title, and just to rephrase that; Who wouldn’t love 2 dirty blonde kids wreaking havoc on a cruise ship while having things that can’t be possible like surviving huge falls, dead queen ghost taking over bodies, and monkeys that just get the best out of people. Though the funny doesn’t end there as it keeps going with the materials they’ve got I’m just laughing my butt off and if possible I would make them do their show forever not letting any of the cast members or actor grow old.

            Oh and if your reading this leave a comment on my blog to let me know what type of shows you guys like especially you Mr. Sutherland (A.k.a. Freddie). But seriously what shows do you like it would be interesting to know that. 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

Question: Why do people hate Singers (free topic)

Why the heck do people hate singers, seriously the reason I am asking this question is that i see people giving horrible excuses to hate, for an example: Justin Bieber because of his voice of it being to high or to girly and say they can't wait until he goes through puberty so his voice will fail and become a thing of the past. I think its a real stupid thing to insult a singers with no reasonable excuse for, and your not cool to hate someone that talented in other people opinion. But another reason i think like this is because people don't just hate on Justin Bieber, they also hate on Hannah Montanna for her music or so bringing up my second a little and third paragraph. And it doesn't stop there there have also been other people to hate on who were famous singers or celebrities like the Johnas Brother who supposedly also makes good music, and people say he has horrible music not even stopping the hate so really how could such things happen.

Another thing is that this influence has spread tremendously around school because I've been hearing it a lot around school... how the heck did that happen. Seriously though, how would it happen, is it because people can't think for themselves so they take other people opinion, just need something to hate on and become a hater, or just something that makes you think this way and take it as your own feeling. Seriously i mean if you don't like their song you can just ignore it or tell the people that actually do like that person song to not play it around you so you can completely avoid that specific singer you don't like.

Finally but not least, if you truly hate that singer you should really keep it to yourself or just tell the person that will probably constantly play a singer song that you dislike. The singer songs instead of saying "OH MY GOD thats the worst song ever" because that can hurt that person feeling a lot as the person can be really into the music. Which finally brings my finish to this free topic. If you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all.

Response to Kiana Blog

This is a response to Kiana Blog about fishes.
First, fish are meant to be in an ocean where they have tons of room to swim and live as they please, eating all the things humans may not be able to give to them. Sure, a person might object to my statement and say that there are big tanks for sell in many stores so they could have room to do as they want. Then again, I might reply, no matter how big you buy a tank, nothing can compare to the enormous amount of room in the ocean. The fish seem like they get tired of swimming back and forth, to and fro, up and down, zig-zags, or whatever
I do agree and at the same time don't that its cruel to put a fish in a tank, but how do you know it doesn't like it, being safe from danger of getting eaten, being fed daily, and even how do you know a fish emotion... because who knows fish probably don't even have emotions or just not advanced enough to know about it. So right now your deciding its life and thats just not fair for the fish too even though being trapped in a tank is also not very fair.

But if you say a fish can think in your blog then maybe it thinks its paradise and enjoys the peaceful quiet life since have you ever seen a fish try busting through a tank, probably not. Even so keeping a pet fish should only be allowed to those who can actually take care of a pet so i sort of agree with you while at the same time don't.

In my opinion though, fish have a simple mind and immediately your saying that fish don't like this life, have you asked a fish or talk to a fish with it responding back at you saying it hates it or doesn't enjoy it. So thats why you shouldn't be going around deciding the fate of all the fish in the world let it be or try and invent a device that'll allow you to communicate with fish while at the same time make it say no. (sorry trying not to be mean, i just wanted to finish homework)

Thursday, September 2, 2010


                    Alternative Energy V.S. Fossil Fuels
Alternative energy is sufficient and it useful because it uses nature to power our machine as it already has proven to be plentiful. Another reason for why we should stop using fossil fuel is because we’re running out. Fossil fuel also increases global warming rates creating an ice age quicker than it should. Fossil fuel kills nature. For an example is the oil leak in BP, its spreading quickly, killing fishes that can’t survive, causing illness, and also destroying many fisher mans life. Another proof is this quote from a scientist that also proves that non-alternative energy is harmful. Which this quote was from Barrack Obama stated in "Barack Obama's Plan to Make America a Global Energy Leader" and he did have studies done.

“Global warming is real, is happening now and is the result of human activities. The number of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes has almost doubled in the last 30 years. Glaciers are melting faster; the polar ice caps are shrinking; trees are blooming earlier; oceans are becoming more acidic, threatening marine life; people are dying in heat waves; species are migrating, and eventually many will become extinct. Scientists predict that absent major [green house gas] emission reductions, climate change will worsen famine and drought in some of the poorest places in the world and wreak havoc across the globe."

Another reason why alternative energy should be our primary source of power is because we will be able to keep nature alive, and at the same time have enough energy to power our cities.

"The ideal solution [to global climate change] would be to stop making waste CO2 by phasing out fossil fuels and getting our energy from solar power in all its forms (direct sunlight, wind, and hydro dams). We know how to do this today..."

Another reason for replacing fossil fuel with alternative energy is that it will be safer to work with rather than hazardous chemicals. By doing this we would be creating a positive impact on the economy by increasing the variety of jobs for the unemployed and more green jobs. This quote from John Podesta, Todd Stern, and Kit Batten from their article titled “Capturing the Energy Opportunity: Creating a Low-Carbon Economy” explain more about this.

“America could lead a global energy transformation based on more efficient technologies and clean, renewable fuels. These forces could fuel the creation of good jobs and good prospects for workers at all skill levels… we could ensure the economic security necessary, so that people can take risks and generate wealth for themselves and our country…”
“At the center of this vision is a strategy to address the greatest moral and economic challenge of our time – climate change – and turn it into our greatest opportunity. Left unchecked, the economic disruption caused by climate change will sap our resources and dampen our growth. But with low-carbon technologies and clean, renewable energy, we can capture a new global market, drive American economic growth, and create green jobs for American workers, offering new skills and new earnings opportunities up and down the economic ladder…”
“Developing, deploying, and building at this scale recalls other great economic transformations in America’s past, like the laying of our railroads and the construction of the interstate highway system. But in many ways our new challenge is even more complex since energy powers every part of the economy. Yet that’s exactly why these advancements will drive economic growth.”