Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hah, life... how you are so funny.

I don't wanna think about her:

I’m not going to think about how I first met her. I’m not going to think about all the times on her birthday I was always the first one to say happy birthday to her. I’m not going to think about how she understands boys so well. I’m not going to think about how she is like a huge combination of a frilly girl and a tomboy. I’m not going to think about how she loves to play video games and that we play together. I’m not going to think about how she owns so many things ranging from comics too the dress she owns. I’m not going to think about how she has an army of cats. I’m not going to think about how she is a bit older than me but everyone makes fun of that but I don’t give a crud. I’m not going to think about how she is a bit stronger than me and can kick my butt any time and any day. I’m not going to think about how she is sometimes mean to me and conspire with other friends to tease me but I laugh because they are funny. I’m not going to think about how she may call herself stupid… but actually is one of the smartest people I know. I’m not going to think about how she knows about so much about what types of cars there are. I’m not going to think about how she is one of the most unique girls I know. I’m not going to think about how much I love her.
I came home from school and I was sleepy because last night I didn’t get enough sleep so I took off my shoes, put my back pack on the couch, and laid my body down, the couch and took a nap because I when I get around to my homework. When my dad woke me up it was dinner time and so I was hungry and so I went to the dinner table and went to eat my dinner with my family because I didn’t want to work on my homework on a empty stomach. I Finished eating my dinner first and went to the refrigerator to get a cup from the freezer where I always put my cups because I like to drink things cold and so when I drank it, it would be cold since I needed to hydrate myself before working on my homework. So I filled my cup with water and waited for the water to get cold, because I like cold water and I need cold water to help me concentrate on my homework. After I finish I thought I could clean my room as well because I didn’t want to clean my room after finishing my homework. After my room was clean I noticed it was getting late, so I went on facebook to make sure I got all my homework and asked my friends for what was the homework. And now I finally do my homework.
Lala Land:
My fantasy world, I like my fantasy world, I like how it normal, how great it is, how better it is, because I know it my world. Thus in my fantasy world, I’m a survivor in a zombie apocalypse with my trusty katana. My katana and I would go on daily massacre on zombies; chopped heads would be rolling in hundreds each day till the world is rid of zombies because I will be cutting them down constantly, but the feeling of exhilaration from the slaughter of the undead, the adrenaline of knowing that if I fail, I’ll be eaten alive is really what excites me. So, this would be a fun world for me because no homework, no worries, no school; the fun of being free in such a world. Though the only reason for such a world is an escape from my current world, but I know such world couldn’t really possibly happen, or could it.

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