Friday, March 4, 2011

Windows :S

The symbolism of the window is to say that it is a gateway to their dream, but a dream that is unreachable, as given as an example on page 82 of Sally as she just talks about her dream, but she knows that it is unachievable because Ezperanza wants to live in a nice little house with such windows so she can have her “real house”.
“The windows would swing open, all the sky would come in. There’d be no nosy neighbors watching, no motorcycles and cars, no sheets and towels and laundry. Only trees and more trees and plenty of blue sky.”
Here is another example of what I meant, the window is a window to a dream, an unachievable dream I think, but it shows it through this window to show the wish and the sadness of being unable to achieve it because of society oppressing the people such as on page 79 of Rafaela Who Drinks Coconut & Papaya Juice on Tuesdays, when Ezperanza and friends talk about Rafaela as she wants to go have fun outside instead of being locked inside and kept there.
“…Rafaela, who is still young but getting old from leaning out the window so much, gets locked indoors because her husband is afraid Rafaela will run away since she is too beautiful to look at.
          Rafaela leans out the window and leans on her elbow and dreams her hair is like Rapunzel’s. On the corner there is music from the bar, and Rafaela wishes she could go there and dance before she gets old.”
But that isn’t really the end of the story because another example to reason as to why windows are a gateway or window to the in achievable dream is also on page 77 of No Speak English. It talks about a neighbor of Ezpranza who brought in his mom but she is homesick and wishes to go back to her homeland .
“She sits all day by the window and plays the Spanish radio show and sings all the homesick songs about her country in a voie that sounds like a seagull.”

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