Friday, December 17, 2010

Response post to Shiyun Yang

This is a response post to Shiyun Yang Blog Post.  I have a question about the future, a argument with her idealism, and a agreement between her statement.
What does future mean? What is the future that awaits us all? I have been thinking about my future recently and thought that there is no answer to what that will await me. There is no way I would know what my future will be like, for I have to decide that myself. For every decision that I make in life, there will be a result to things. No one can really change what they have done or go back to the past and start over again. We will also have to look at the road ahead and make better decisions.
            What does the future hold for us… isn’t the future basically every millennium, century, year, months, day, hours, minutes, seconds, or anything that has a mental form of time moving… or is it something more such as the events that happen. What is the future really, how does time work with what’s happening and create whatever future we have, would life still go on if time stopped. But your idealism of that of the future seems to be a bit wrong on some parts, such as when you quoted “… there is no answer to what that will await me.” Here you sometimes do have the answer to your future, as sometimes can be really obvious or could also be continuum of happening enabling you to guess that it will happen around a certain time or place. But also I also disagree on the point that we choose our future… as I speak we are going by what society has given us and were just following a road towards the same ending, there isn’t really ever a chance for us to choose our own path as long as there are right and wrong as that will keep us from being fully free minded. Another thing is that I agree with you when you quoted “For every decision that I make in life, there will be a result to things.” There is always some sort of result to everything as it can be the lowest as a thank you from helping someone out or to the highest of results such as discovering a new intelligent life form.

Book post for The Curious Incident of The Night Time Dog

In our discussion for the story of the “The Curious Incident of The Night Time Dog” we discussed many things of Christopher John Francis Boone. As we discussed the book, Colin brought up an excellent point of how the moral of the story was. And it was that there is many paths but it doesn’t matter which one you take as the way you go, there is always a exact end result. But I kind of disagree with that because of what we do can affect our future, and there isn’t a decided fate for all of us. But another thing I heard was that this book could just be about a happy family story about a autism kid.
I don’t really think I contributed much of the really good main topics and that I think I missed a few. But I contributed that I think the mom should at least move into the house back with the dad so they can all live together again… if the father allows it of course because I think the dad is still pretty mad at the mom for cheating on him. But if the dad really wanted his son back I think he would do it and somehow… maybe just somehow the mom and the dad will get back together again and they will be a happy family… or what comes close at least. Another part I was glad that I contributed was that the very last paragraph when he said:
                And I know I can do this because I went to London on my own, and because I solved the mystery of Who Killed Wellington? And I found my mother and I was brave and I wrote a book and that means I can do anything.

This show how confident of who he was and of what he did. Christopher probably was glad of what he can do and after the things he went through I’m not sure he deserves it.
                I think Ashli brought up the point that the two parents should get back together and I sort of agreed with her in the first paragraph, but after a while of thinking the possible ending and that Christopher was probably the cause for all of this I don’t think they should.

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Night-Time PART 2

This is my second book post for The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Night-Time. For today’s discussion I had with my group was more about the story and the irony of it. Such as we learned that the Mother was actually alive (I was right on my guess because I didn’t believe there was enough proof to prove that the mother was dead). And what’s more is that she is with Roger (Mr. Shears). But I kind of guessed they would be together if she wasn’t in a grave somewhere in Swindon, Wiltshire.
Examples as to why I did not think that the Mother was dead. My first reason was as to why the Dad and Christopher John Francis Boone did not go visit her grave. My second reason was that why couldn’t the son go to see his mother, which then I did not that she had died. But mostly I think what contributed most was that I’ve heard of many storylines like this and most of them occur to have them not dead to build a climax or suspension of the story.
Another discussion of my group was that we talked about the mentioning of stars, and how that we are going by what Roman used to map out the stars such as Orion the Hunter, but unlike Christopher John Francis Boone, he ask why and that we could redraw the stars anyway we want to make it like a Dionsaur or a Lady with a Umbrella and even a Coffee maker. Logically I think he is correct and in my opinion… I don’t want to follow that system anymore… I’d rather have my own constellation of the stars.
But even so far in the book I think Christopher is still very logical as he knows how to find his way through sticky situation such as on the street, he was able to explore his surrounding blocks without getting lost, and he probably been there once I think, and he said that there were too many people so it threw his mind off and he couldn’t concentrate. Another thing that I suggest that made him really logical was when he was running away from home, he made a couple of solution and crossed out the places where he could not go ending with him deciding to go to his mom house.

Response post to Mr. Sutherland :3

                This is a response post to Mr. Sutherlands Blog, I’m mostly doing this because I’m curious as to if anyone has ever did so but anyways, this is about the Bacha Bazi.
It turns out that his pattern of child molesting goes much deeper.

Wikileaks, in a recent document-dump, has stirred up evidence that as part of the war effort in Afghanistan, almost two billion US tax dollars have been spent contracting with a private company which, among other scandals, helped throw a party for Afghan police recruits where young boys were pimped out for sex. This is called bacha bazi, and is apparently a widespread practice, although how common it is nobody knows.

                I have to say, some people sure are really big pedophile, they dress up little boys and use them for “rated R” stuff. But I want justice for these boys, and even more so that I’m mad that I can’t really do anything about it for a couple of reasons. Reason the people who say they are going to stop this are actually doing themselves, such as powerful politicians or high ranking officials, or even police forces of Afghanistan. The second reason is that even though if I were to go do something I know I wouldn’t be able to impact much people’s opinion of how wrong this is since that it seems like that they “enjoy the rated R” stuff with the boys. Reason three is that if I were to try and stop it I would most likely get killed if I get close enough. Reason four is that it is probably widespread and this tradition has been going on for many years so I would not know where to begin. Reason five is that it isn’t realistic enough to me that I would be able to stop it completely.
                I have a question though, is why they do this, what reason would they want little boys instead. With all the power I think they have, they could probably go for women instead of little boys dressed up in girls’ clothes. And the cruelty of how they take advantage of little boy seems to be a bit too cruel too; they take advantage of families which cannot support themselves.
                But my final question for this is… WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH THEM. I seriously wonder why would they even need little children for their “entertainment”

Monday, December 6, 2010

Book post that apparently wouldn't publish >:( angry face at blogger but then again might have been a technical difficulty with my computer :S

In this I think the book on The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Night-Time was quite interesting, we get to see a very detailed version of a Acoustic child perspective view. Unlike other books I have read, this is the first book I’ve read that is a murder mystery book, and it about a dog even for that matter. This book is really detailed in my opinion, so detailed I don’t really think I have any questions for it, or it could just be because of the acoustic child, and you never know what an acoustic child might do.
But this book is really great on how it draws you in, and it’s even more interesting to know that when the author wrote this book he didn’t even have much information about acoustic child when he started off. Even so, this book is interesting mostly because of the main character, the way he acts, the way he thinks, and the way he thinks of others. I have many examples for this such as when he mentioned in the book that is if someone punches him, then he will pull out a knife and kill him and call it self defense because he started it first. Another example is how much he likes math and physics and at one part on how he proved these mathematician wrong with a very difficult equation that I did not understand at all and it made me say something in my mind which was “HE GOT OWNED” well a simplified version of it. This book, the way it was built on doesn’t really seem to need to build on suspense, as I’ve noticed… but at one part, it made me go “OH DANG” which was someone… apparently cheated.
One final thing about the book is that I’ve like how they include stuff and make them important into the story such as a dog, even though it is sadly true, a dog isn’t very commonly thought of as more important than a human being. Though this question arose from all of it which really makes you wonder was, why he didn’t get a dog himself.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Response post to Rokhsor Blog

                This is a quote from Rokhsor blog, it is about trusting issues in my opinion but also forgiving issues too.
Should you forgive those who have made mistakes? It is a good question because it makes you think about what your friends and family have done to you in the past and you think about whether you have forgiven them or not. I personally do not like the idea of forgiving people because once someone messes up, they will do it again and again so to forgive them would be like stabbing your own body twice in the back. I hate how people say those who do not forgive are cold hearted because we are not. It is called being wise.
My version of a famous quote goes like this, "You lie to me once, shame on you. You lie to me twice, shame on me." 

                In this, I strongly disagree, not everyone will repeat a mistake twice. But you probably just met people in your life that does it again. But you can’t go on thinking everyone will because I think everyone deserves a chance, a risk, something to put faith into, because if we never do then for an example would be if you were a boss, and you don’t trust anyone, or will you forgive them, then your company will most likely be torn down. Because not everyone will get it on the first try and sometimes they don’t think it will hurt the person they love. But then again this might only work on special occasions such as cheating, now that I guess is something you cannot forgive. Though I see how you feel, it hurts.
                But in all truths ends I think your right that “SOME” people will betray your trust again and lie to you. But if you want them to get close to you have to let them be able to learn from their mistakes and help create a better relationship between the two of you. Concluding this final statement I have, is that life… is a trial and error process, you have to let relationships run into obstacles so you guys can learn and find ways to overcome it.