Monday, December 6, 2010

Book post that apparently wouldn't publish >:( angry face at blogger but then again might have been a technical difficulty with my computer :S

In this I think the book on The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Night-Time was quite interesting, we get to see a very detailed version of a Acoustic child perspective view. Unlike other books I have read, this is the first book I’ve read that is a murder mystery book, and it about a dog even for that matter. This book is really detailed in my opinion, so detailed I don’t really think I have any questions for it, or it could just be because of the acoustic child, and you never know what an acoustic child might do.
But this book is really great on how it draws you in, and it’s even more interesting to know that when the author wrote this book he didn’t even have much information about acoustic child when he started off. Even so, this book is interesting mostly because of the main character, the way he acts, the way he thinks, and the way he thinks of others. I have many examples for this such as when he mentioned in the book that is if someone punches him, then he will pull out a knife and kill him and call it self defense because he started it first. Another example is how much he likes math and physics and at one part on how he proved these mathematician wrong with a very difficult equation that I did not understand at all and it made me say something in my mind which was “HE GOT OWNED” well a simplified version of it. This book, the way it was built on doesn’t really seem to need to build on suspense, as I’ve noticed… but at one part, it made me go “OH DANG” which was someone… apparently cheated.
One final thing about the book is that I’ve like how they include stuff and make them important into the story such as a dog, even though it is sadly true, a dog isn’t very commonly thought of as more important than a human being. Though this question arose from all of it which really makes you wonder was, why he didn’t get a dog himself.

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