Friday, December 17, 2010

Book post for The Curious Incident of The Night Time Dog

In our discussion for the story of the “The Curious Incident of The Night Time Dog” we discussed many things of Christopher John Francis Boone. As we discussed the book, Colin brought up an excellent point of how the moral of the story was. And it was that there is many paths but it doesn’t matter which one you take as the way you go, there is always a exact end result. But I kind of disagree with that because of what we do can affect our future, and there isn’t a decided fate for all of us. But another thing I heard was that this book could just be about a happy family story about a autism kid.
I don’t really think I contributed much of the really good main topics and that I think I missed a few. But I contributed that I think the mom should at least move into the house back with the dad so they can all live together again… if the father allows it of course because I think the dad is still pretty mad at the mom for cheating on him. But if the dad really wanted his son back I think he would do it and somehow… maybe just somehow the mom and the dad will get back together again and they will be a happy family… or what comes close at least. Another part I was glad that I contributed was that the very last paragraph when he said:
                And I know I can do this because I went to London on my own, and because I solved the mystery of Who Killed Wellington? And I found my mother and I was brave and I wrote a book and that means I can do anything.

This show how confident of who he was and of what he did. Christopher probably was glad of what he can do and after the things he went through I’m not sure he deserves it.
                I think Ashli brought up the point that the two parents should get back together and I sort of agreed with her in the first paragraph, but after a while of thinking the possible ending and that Christopher was probably the cause for all of this I don’t think they should.

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