Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Kite runner Essay

            I think the author style of writing is emotional and also intense, but also sort of sad and in my opinion the regard for the people that died or are going to die isn’t very… important. But in all ends it is a very moving book while also being great information of what happened in Kabul. I think examples of the intensity building would probably be when Hassan gets raped and it builds up, at first Hassan would finish all his chore, and then he would go to bed ignoring the rest of the day, secondly then Amir and Hassan goes up to that tree where Amir tried to provoke Hassan to hit him. Then thirdly, Amir tells Baba a lie that he had lost his watch and his stack of money, where he had put it under Hassan and Ali bed, he then framed them that they had stolen it. But Baba forgives them, yet Hassan and Ali decided to leave.
            But I don’t think this book has much regards for the dead as the author kills off many people… even though I think with all the people they killed they should have had killed this specific person in the story for all the sins he had caused but instead… had his eye replaced with a object made out of brass… even so he described scenes with lots of dead bodies around, hanging from roofs in public… dripping blood. It was described as a horrifying scene, yet there was no feeling in it… it did not feel sad or depressing like it should have. But another thing I noticed about the story was that it was really focused on a specific character flashbacks and bits of the life he had, but I think it sort of had a hidden message to say that even the mightiest will fall which the mightiest represents Baba, as his fortune was just token away from him just in a couple of days when the soviets came in.
            The author Khaled Hosseini of The Kite Runner used to live in Kabul as his father used to work at a embassy there, but as he was a child he read many Persian poems, Persian translated books ranging from Alice in Wonderland to Mickey Spillane series. He was said to be influenced by that entire factor and one more. When he moved to Iran a Hazara named Hossein Khan worked for his father, who helped inspire his relationship of Hassan and Amir even though Hossein and Khaled weren’t as close to each other as their counterparts Amir and Hassan, he has fond memories of when Hossein worked for him as it was just brief and formal. The information I got was from Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khaled_Hosseini. Even though I have to say, this story sound really familiar from the life the author had even though it was not as dramatic, it is very similar. As he reflects himself as Amir, and his Hazara servant Hossein as Hassan you can find out that Khaled and Amir both love to write stories, live in a life of luxury for a while and also both moved to America. While Hossein and Hassan are alike as they are both Hazara, servants, but that is basically all the reason to as why Hassan was in the story though. But I think Khaled Dad is Baba as he seems to be government official as Baba talks about Politics and how much he hates monarchy which seems to be a reminder of Khaled Dad.
            But a single relationship between some characters were really emphasized such as Amir and Hassan, their relationship was sort of confusing, but in the end you knew that Amir and Hassan had a friendship even though Amir might have said that he thought of Hassan as a servant more than a friend. But the way I see it was that Amir did not deserve such a friend as Hassan, as such on the part of which Hassan gets raped, Amir didn’t even come in charging to help him, unlike Hassan who would just come in to rush and try to free Amir from moments like this. I think it shows how much of a coward Amir was at that time but he was probably too young to understand the consequences or guilt he would later have for that specific moment he did not help Hassan like he should have.
            Another relationship I noticed in the story was between Baba and Amir, as in the story Amir said he represented the good life but the guilt Baba had. So in the story Amir really looked up to Baba but Baba and him were distant from each other probably just from the guilt he had from a specific thing that he did. But it all changed when they moved to America, Baba and Amir got along a lot better, suggesting that it was all Baba guilt that separated those two as you can notice it if you read that far. Though only in general or a distinct feeling could you tell those two were getting along since they don’t really emphasize on it.
            One more Relationship in the story was of Baba and Hassan, you might dismiss it as untrue or not, but Baba and Hassan would have gotten really well together because of something they shared, but I won’t spoil it just yet. But because of this “special bond” they have Hassan is “like” another son to Baba and so forth Baba treats Hassan almost just as well as he does to Amir in the story.
            A last relationship in the story was between Baba and Ali, in the story, they put in a part of how much Baba Cares for Ali such as when Ali and Hassan were leaving, he started to cry, a normally he would never do such a thing, but he said Ali was like a brother to him and even commanded him to stay, but at last, he could not… But so forth Baba just cried.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Kite runner part 3

This is my final book discussion on kite runner, for today discus sion, our group combined with another and there was a lot of drama, I agree with Cameron on how it was a choice when Hassan left the house. But definitely Amir made it seem like how he was kicking Hassan out, but really in truth ends, Hassan chose to leave. I think it was mostly because Hassan still was very loyal to Amir. But Amir thought there could only be one of them to stay, and he chose himself, so he put all this cash and this watch he got for his birthday under Hassan bed, told Baba he was missing some stuff, and then he “supposedly” found it under Hassan bed. But everyone knew Hassan would not lie, and he lied that time just to protect Amir, showing how much loyal he was to Amir.
Another discussion I agreed with was with Mercedes, with all the people that died in the book. They should have killed Assef, it is sad to know that some pedophile is still alive, even though some hard brass ball hit him in the eye, which could kill him, survived. I think he doesn’t really deserve to live, he massacred a ton of Hazzara and yet he still able to walk around proudly, with no guilt at all and he described it as a scene he enjoyed, that especially got me ticked off. So I think they really should have gotten rid of Assef. He is really psychotic too, he buy kids and rapes them and maybe kill them because I remember the orphan ministrator said that some of the kids come back alive.
One more thing about the book, was that was why Rahim Kahn leaved, he could have at least stayed and said good bye to Amir before he left or die. But at most, he left a letter to tell Amir not to find him. It sort of messed up to me, Amir goes on this harsh journey, comes back, and Rahim Kahn isn’t even there to thank him in person.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Response pose to Adralyn

In this blog I have to agree and disagree on this blog from Adralyn’s Blog about proposition 19 the legalization of marijuana.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California said Monday that he is glad Proposition 19, which would have legalized recreational marijuana use in his state, was defeated - even though "no one cares if you smoke a joint or not."
Pot legalization advocates are undeterred by the defeat of Prop. 19
They see the election as a trial run that could lead to a campaign with a better message, a tighter measure and more money. Both the winning and losing sides say California's voters rejected this specific initiative, but remain open to legalizing the easily obtainable drug.

In my opinion I disagree that when you mentioned “no one cares if you smoke a joint or not”, there is a lot of people that do. Such as me, I don’t want people to be smoking around me; its unhealthy and 2nd hand smoking is more dangerous than first hand smoking. But also put yourself in this situation: You have a child, and someone is smoking marijuana right in front of you, do you think you would care, I will. I don’t want to teach smoking is cool or any such related to that.
But also I do agree with you that marijuana should be legalized as I think such will put many drug dealers out of work and that shall decrease drug deals and maybe crime. I also think it would help our economy as we can put a tax on marijuana and gain more money on it while maybe… just maybe make people want marijuana less just because it too expensive. But I also think it could possibly lower crime rates with fighting over marijuana being ceased.
But I think we should at least put some policies on it, saying that you can only smoke it at home or areas reserved for it, because I’d rather it not be in some place where it’s public and people can breathe the toxic air in. As of that I think I have proven my point clearly enough

Music club :D

                Today I went to music club on the twelfth of November on two zero one zero, it is really interesting on hearing the people play their instruments, they are all great at it too so I’m jealous of them a bit, but there are also great singers over there too and I sort of do wish I could sing too but sadly I cannot. But at music club I love how they deal with things, it sounds so fun when they practice for their upcoming performance on December fourth at the Silent Auction
            So far the clubs practicing their music is going really great. Kyle and Yong Foo are teaching David the part and Carrie (I think that’s how you spell her name) is teaching Peter a bit on the piano. Kyle and Yong Foo are really great teachers. But when Amber was here she sang a song I’m not really sure. But if you get the chance, you should really ask Amber to sing, it has a really great feeling when you listen to her.
            They also crack jokes when they play. It nice to laugh while hearing them play music, but they can get serious at times when they play since this upcoming event for the music club is going to actually be their first for this school year. I wish I could have at least audition for the performance but I can’t play any music myself so it really sucks.
            The only thing that’s bad about music club is that it sort of hard to follow on what they talk about, as I call it “the language of music in note form” such as “Put your finger here when you hit all the notes” or “Hit it like this when you play” and even “Play something note at this part of the song” it just really confusing to follow up all these things.
            But in the end the good outweighs the bad as when the people play, they have a really nice rhythm when they play. But when they play, they play in such a tune that it seems like they don’t need practice, its just really great at how they play their music, carefree and willing to share it with others who are willing to listen.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Kite runner part 2

It was sad when the orphanage got blown up… as Rahim described it as a messy scene with children body part and rubble everywhere and it was just a pile of rubbles afterwards. And the Taliban said it was just collateral damage, after what Rahim told Amir about the Taliban, I wanted to so go over there and drag them all into a small boat and kick it off into the Pacific Ocean with no paddles.
There was another part in the story; I didn’t really understand what Rahim meant when he told Hassan was Amir’s half brother, I didn’t know if Hassan or Amir shared the same mom or dad but after my discussion with my group I found out that Hassan and Amir shared the same dad… Baba. Though I wonder why didn’t Baba tell Hassan himself as it would have changed a lot of things and somehow I’d think things would be better as they would be more brotherly or loving of each other unless Amir gets jealous.
But later in Rahim story I wonder why Hassan mother ever came back, he didn’t say she had a reason, but I think it was that she finally saw her sin and came back just to atone for what she had done. It was sort of great that happened but there was no real reason behind her motive and though I’m not alright with what answers I got.
There was a huge change in Amir, in my opinion. Though as Amir went to look for Hassan son Sorab, I never imagined he would at first but he suddenly went and did, but in the end I think it was atonement for himself just because of his guilt and Baba. So I think he was more of trying to say sorry to Hassan but now that he knows he can’t he tries a different attempt.
            One more thing what I sort of thought that was confusing, was that why was Baba refusing to take medicine, he knows he can live just a bit longer, but he didn’t take it. But I only came up with three solution, you know that he saved up 35,000 dollars and he didn’t spend it until the wedding, I thought maybe he didn’t want to spend it and save it for something special for Amir. Another solution was that because he was just somehow prideful or thinking of medicine dishonoring him in somewhat ways. The last solution I came up with was that maybe he thought that it was finally Amir turn to fight for himself because he knows he can’t be around forever.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Response for Aakash Kite runner

This is a response to Aakash Sanju blog about the kite runner and how moving it was for him.
Kite Runner, a book by “Khaled Hosseini”. So far, this has turned out to be a moving book. It is very dramatic as well. Every time, it gets more dramatic than the before. The best word to describe this book is Extraordinary. This is in fact a fiction, although it may seem like a biography. 
So far, this book is about, an Afghan man, who is haunted by his unatoned sins. While walking in a park, somewhere in San-Francisco, he recalls for his unatoned sins. He recalls himself as a boy, and the mistakes he made. He tells all these events in a chronological order after a flashback in the very beginning of the book. 
I agree with Aakash it is a moving book. But I thought it was a true story wasn’t it because I did remember Mr. Sutherland saying it was a real story. But also though I know how you feel about it getting more dramatic every time I have that feeling now and now that I’ve read it further and other people response I feel like Amir wasn’t the jerk he put himself as but at the same time just making really bad choices at the time. Another thing though is that at first I thought it was a biography so thanks for informing me the truth. But I also like your introduction or summary of the piece so that it is talking about the beginning in your blog post as it is informative of the beginning and then summarizes everything just enough for people to understand what is happening. Though another thing I liked about this part of the blog was that you mentioned his unatoned sins but you don’t really elaborate on that as much in my opinion but still it does make enough sense. But Aakash I want to know why you feel it’s getting more dramatic… since people can just say it just is… but most of the time they are just agreeing with people. But why are you interested in it.

The Beginning... Chapter 1

The first chapter of my story is about a boy who is of 17 of age named Notle, he is supposedly a orphaned at a young age but was extremely intelligent and physical, so he took care of himself as he refused to go to a Foster Home or be adopted again. So now he is living in a apartment and there isn’t much to it but in this chapter He is going to be kidnapped and we have no reason why yet on the day of the supposed apocalypse.
It was December 21, 2012. The time of the “supposed” apocalypse, it was still really early in the morning, maybe like 1 or 2 am. I stood up all night long just waiting… to see if it was real…true about what they said. Feeling uneasy I turned on the news if they would announce if it would happen. But nada… nothing… there was not even one hint of the apocalypse. The news people were having a debate as if the apocalypse was real or not. Myself… I was both… so I just sighed and turned off the TV. I was getting sleepy anyways… so I just turned and walks towards the bed in order to sleep… acting like the walking dead as I headed towards my bed I slumped and groaned a bit from the exhaustion of deprived sleep.
            I yawned as I crawled under the bed sheet, turned over and quickly closed my eyes and was just about to hit the hay till something covered my mouth… I struggled kicking and punching trying to get whoever was holding me down… I was then restricted by my arms and legs… there were more people… I tried to scream but from whatever they had to cover my mouth was making me pass out so I slowly stop struggling… but before my last glance upon the people… they were wearing some kind of black hoodie which concealed their face. They said something in my language, but I could not understand those words.
“Were going to bring you somewhere safe… just be quiet” he said.
Confused… I wanted to respond but all I can do was mutter out “why” and then everything blurred and then went black.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Reflective on Kite runner

The part when Hassan got raped was the most intense moment, because Amir… the jerk that just let it happened as he just watched it, standing there doing nothing, and then runs away. But that wasn’t the only intense moment because the book just kept building the intensity. As it built onto when Hassan gets raped since that was what basically made Amir guilty and tried to kick Hassan out as he just tries to be a loyal servant and friend.
For an example is when Amir asked Hassan if he wanted to go up the hill so he can read for Hassan again, but when they reached the pomegranate tree, Amir grabs a pomegranate and throws it at Hassan telling him to fight back, to defend himself. But Hassan refused and kept doing so till Amir threw his 12th, finally tired from it Hassan threw one at himself and told him “Here does this make you feel better” and runs away.
Though after a while this happened Amir figured out or “thought” that if Hassan stayed here, his guilt will surely eat away at him and so he needed a way to get rid of him. As he exemplified when he asked if his dad ever thought of getting new servants and when Amir framed Hassan for stealing his watch and money. But at this part which should show how loyal Hassan was to Amir was he said yes when Baba ask him if he did. And also everyone knew that Hassan would never lie so here… he sacrificed himself for the undeserving jerk Amir.
Though at this part Hassan is getting ready to move away with his father to his father cousin but as we zoom into the part when they are just about to leave. Amir looks out at the window. He saw them leave, and didn’t even attempt to stop them or even try to tell the truth knowing full well that he will definitely get away with such a horrible deed.
But we also know that Amir would rather save his own skin then somebody else when they said that he saw his Baba cry, just when Hassan and his father told him they were going to move. This part of the story Hassan could have stopped everything and told them the whole story. But another part that show he would rather save his own skin then somebody else was when they were in the truck, the Russian soldier said he wanted to have a little one on one with one of the woman on board, Baba then defended her but Amir told him not to, and kept begging him not to as he knows that he would be orphaned if the Russian soldier killed him.