Monday, November 1, 2010

Reflective on Kite runner

The part when Hassan got raped was the most intense moment, because Amir… the jerk that just let it happened as he just watched it, standing there doing nothing, and then runs away. But that wasn’t the only intense moment because the book just kept building the intensity. As it built onto when Hassan gets raped since that was what basically made Amir guilty and tried to kick Hassan out as he just tries to be a loyal servant and friend.
For an example is when Amir asked Hassan if he wanted to go up the hill so he can read for Hassan again, but when they reached the pomegranate tree, Amir grabs a pomegranate and throws it at Hassan telling him to fight back, to defend himself. But Hassan refused and kept doing so till Amir threw his 12th, finally tired from it Hassan threw one at himself and told him “Here does this make you feel better” and runs away.
Though after a while this happened Amir figured out or “thought” that if Hassan stayed here, his guilt will surely eat away at him and so he needed a way to get rid of him. As he exemplified when he asked if his dad ever thought of getting new servants and when Amir framed Hassan for stealing his watch and money. But at this part which should show how loyal Hassan was to Amir was he said yes when Baba ask him if he did. And also everyone knew that Hassan would never lie so here… he sacrificed himself for the undeserving jerk Amir.
Though at this part Hassan is getting ready to move away with his father to his father cousin but as we zoom into the part when they are just about to leave. Amir looks out at the window. He saw them leave, and didn’t even attempt to stop them or even try to tell the truth knowing full well that he will definitely get away with such a horrible deed.
But we also know that Amir would rather save his own skin then somebody else when they said that he saw his Baba cry, just when Hassan and his father told him they were going to move. This part of the story Hassan could have stopped everything and told them the whole story. But another part that show he would rather save his own skin then somebody else was when they were in the truck, the Russian soldier said he wanted to have a little one on one with one of the woman on board, Baba then defended her but Amir told him not to, and kept begging him not to as he knows that he would be orphaned if the Russian soldier killed him.

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