Friday, November 12, 2010

Music club :D

                Today I went to music club on the twelfth of November on two zero one zero, it is really interesting on hearing the people play their instruments, they are all great at it too so I’m jealous of them a bit, but there are also great singers over there too and I sort of do wish I could sing too but sadly I cannot. But at music club I love how they deal with things, it sounds so fun when they practice for their upcoming performance on December fourth at the Silent Auction
            So far the clubs practicing their music is going really great. Kyle and Yong Foo are teaching David the part and Carrie (I think that’s how you spell her name) is teaching Peter a bit on the piano. Kyle and Yong Foo are really great teachers. But when Amber was here she sang a song I’m not really sure. But if you get the chance, you should really ask Amber to sing, it has a really great feeling when you listen to her.
            They also crack jokes when they play. It nice to laugh while hearing them play music, but they can get serious at times when they play since this upcoming event for the music club is going to actually be their first for this school year. I wish I could have at least audition for the performance but I can’t play any music myself so it really sucks.
            The only thing that’s bad about music club is that it sort of hard to follow on what they talk about, as I call it “the language of music in note form” such as “Put your finger here when you hit all the notes” or “Hit it like this when you play” and even “Play something note at this part of the song” it just really confusing to follow up all these things.
            But in the end the good outweighs the bad as when the people play, they have a really nice rhythm when they play. But when they play, they play in such a tune that it seems like they don’t need practice, its just really great at how they play their music, carefree and willing to share it with others who are willing to listen.


  1. ahahahaha, dont think so... i dont get where he heard that from though... O_o

  2. i responded! :D
