Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Kite runner Essay

            I think the author style of writing is emotional and also intense, but also sort of sad and in my opinion the regard for the people that died or are going to die isn’t very… important. But in all ends it is a very moving book while also being great information of what happened in Kabul. I think examples of the intensity building would probably be when Hassan gets raped and it builds up, at first Hassan would finish all his chore, and then he would go to bed ignoring the rest of the day, secondly then Amir and Hassan goes up to that tree where Amir tried to provoke Hassan to hit him. Then thirdly, Amir tells Baba a lie that he had lost his watch and his stack of money, where he had put it under Hassan and Ali bed, he then framed them that they had stolen it. But Baba forgives them, yet Hassan and Ali decided to leave.
            But I don’t think this book has much regards for the dead as the author kills off many people… even though I think with all the people they killed they should have had killed this specific person in the story for all the sins he had caused but instead… had his eye replaced with a object made out of brass… even so he described scenes with lots of dead bodies around, hanging from roofs in public… dripping blood. It was described as a horrifying scene, yet there was no feeling in it… it did not feel sad or depressing like it should have. But another thing I noticed about the story was that it was really focused on a specific character flashbacks and bits of the life he had, but I think it sort of had a hidden message to say that even the mightiest will fall which the mightiest represents Baba, as his fortune was just token away from him just in a couple of days when the soviets came in.
            The author Khaled Hosseini of The Kite Runner used to live in Kabul as his father used to work at a embassy there, but as he was a child he read many Persian poems, Persian translated books ranging from Alice in Wonderland to Mickey Spillane series. He was said to be influenced by that entire factor and one more. When he moved to Iran a Hazara named Hossein Khan worked for his father, who helped inspire his relationship of Hassan and Amir even though Hossein and Khaled weren’t as close to each other as their counterparts Amir and Hassan, he has fond memories of when Hossein worked for him as it was just brief and formal. The information I got was from Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khaled_Hosseini. Even though I have to say, this story sound really familiar from the life the author had even though it was not as dramatic, it is very similar. As he reflects himself as Amir, and his Hazara servant Hossein as Hassan you can find out that Khaled and Amir both love to write stories, live in a life of luxury for a while and also both moved to America. While Hossein and Hassan are alike as they are both Hazara, servants, but that is basically all the reason to as why Hassan was in the story though. But I think Khaled Dad is Baba as he seems to be government official as Baba talks about Politics and how much he hates monarchy which seems to be a reminder of Khaled Dad.
            But a single relationship between some characters were really emphasized such as Amir and Hassan, their relationship was sort of confusing, but in the end you knew that Amir and Hassan had a friendship even though Amir might have said that he thought of Hassan as a servant more than a friend. But the way I see it was that Amir did not deserve such a friend as Hassan, as such on the part of which Hassan gets raped, Amir didn’t even come in charging to help him, unlike Hassan who would just come in to rush and try to free Amir from moments like this. I think it shows how much of a coward Amir was at that time but he was probably too young to understand the consequences or guilt he would later have for that specific moment he did not help Hassan like he should have.
            Another relationship I noticed in the story was between Baba and Amir, as in the story Amir said he represented the good life but the guilt Baba had. So in the story Amir really looked up to Baba but Baba and him were distant from each other probably just from the guilt he had from a specific thing that he did. But it all changed when they moved to America, Baba and Amir got along a lot better, suggesting that it was all Baba guilt that separated those two as you can notice it if you read that far. Though only in general or a distinct feeling could you tell those two were getting along since they don’t really emphasize on it.
            One more Relationship in the story was of Baba and Hassan, you might dismiss it as untrue or not, but Baba and Hassan would have gotten really well together because of something they shared, but I won’t spoil it just yet. But because of this “special bond” they have Hassan is “like” another son to Baba and so forth Baba treats Hassan almost just as well as he does to Amir in the story.
            A last relationship in the story was between Baba and Ali, in the story, they put in a part of how much Baba Cares for Ali such as when Ali and Hassan were leaving, he started to cry, a normally he would never do such a thing, but he said Ali was like a brother to him and even commanded him to stay, but at last, he could not… But so forth Baba just cried.

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