Friday, May 20, 2011


Blogging, one of the best way to learn about our writing. Well as of my opinion but i find that if i have it easily organized through the Internet i can search up anything i want and look through my  past writing, so it would make it easier to keep track of the progress of my work. Another reason as to why i liked blogging instead of any other English way of doing homework is that its more in tune with society, we get to write how we want about the popular culture at the moment. Or just in general of what we want to write such as this blog post i remember doing for one of my greatest teacher even though he seemed to only teach about PE.
I also like the way how it makes me think about what i want to write such as this one time i made this list of what i am going to do after achieving total control over the world.
  1. Build more schools in 3rd area worlds
  2. Set up stronger police forces
  3. Add more pay to teachers and professors
  4. Limit robot production and how many each company can get
  5. Try and setup a democratic rule afterwards
  6. Focus more on technological advances and economics
  7. Fund more projects that would help large areas

I also do find that sometimes its hard to find ideas in which to write about. But definitely I find many differences in how blogging has also changed how my writing is in terms of how i do a English project. Though i hate how its a bit censored at moments but it is fun to play around with writing like this and use the ability to write about almost anything i want. Even so, I have not found motivation to do such as of now except when being told it is homework. But other then that, i have tried to write stories but they never turn out the way i want them too so i always lose my confidence and stop trying. The way i think it has changed how i write is that i actually write what i feel like though most of it i consider before posting because of the censorship, such as cussing. Still, this remains as I like the way of how i can express my feeling making it a whole lot funner. Though I wish I had the motivations to do all i wanted on my blog since I think I have great ideas. This thing about the way i think about my writing has still not changed though because the process of writing is still the most difficult thing for me as it is my worst subject, I try my best to do the least run on sentence, mechanical error, or any other grammar errors, since i don’t know how to do well on these things.

One idea that was imposed to me on one of the questions was: Where do i get my ideas for blog post topics? what inspires me to write? I’ve wonder about this question and i tried to find out why, but all i could find out was that all my ideas come from others, the influence of others and what they told me, so I have come to accept that remembering one of my very first blog post such as this blog post about Justin Bieber and how much hate of him have i been hearing and how i think it was unfair.

Why the heck do people hate singers, seriously the reason I am asking this question is that i see people giving horrible excuses to hate, for an example: Justin Bieber because of his voice of it being to high or to girly and say they can't wait until he goes through puberty so his voice will fail and become a thing of the past.

After rereading this old blog post i felt that my ideas truly do come from others and I am happy to say that i can also add onto it because you know those times when you really want to type or say something so bad you just want to blurt it out, well here i did that. The link is here

My last question is: What have I learned from my struggles with writer's block? Why do I tend to get stuck? How do I tend to get unstuck? Notice any patterns? Writers block is the worst and i hate it when I tend to get stuck a lot on blogger because i type faster then i think and that’s just horrible pacing on my part. But what i tend to notice is that its because i start to think of another subject preventing me to focus on one subject such as in this blog. You can clearly see that i am not able to keep on one topic through all my blogs and i can give you an example.
In my eyes if humans can finally find ways to satisfy our enjoyments or needs less suffering will be caused. But that probably also a impossible feat but either way somehow the human race tries in all ends.
Here you can clearly see, that i talk about a whole new subject in this blog post of mine. But what i usually do to try and fix this is look over my blog and see if there is anything i have not included in the blog and to get the idea of what i am doing again and so i can go back to typing what i need too type. A cause for this is because i type faster then i think, so the idea is hard to keep focused, but what i also like is that there is no sloppy writing so other people can easily read your drafts. But what i think i need to do is just notice this pattern and try and get a clear mind before i type so i can keep typeing and so it won’t wander off even though i have done that a lot in this blog. Another reason is because it is hard to think about one thing for one whole time personally for me, making the idea seem boring and easily forgotten.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tee hee Rough draft

The Title of the book is The Flood, by William C. Dietz, Genre is Sci-Fi, and the question is the style of writing the author portrays. The style of writing is that of an entertainer through words, he describes things to give them a life like feeling through scientific impossibilities at the moment for the technologies we have. The author also writes for a game company, so the style is sort of a more detailed version of the campaign of the game, but it becomes more dramatic in the book giving more details and even details that were not in the book because in the game all you had was through the view of the main character, but in this it gives you another view from other viewpoints such as from the covenant and what they feel or what they hear and why are they even fighting against the humans. Because of this it gives a better insight on the storyline so you know a bit more about the other characters. Another type of style writing is that it is a bit militaristic, giving strategies, thinking procedures of what to do and what would be a good counter for each weapon, it also talks about the story in sort of logs such as “D + 58:36:31 (SPARTAN-117 Mission Clock) / Pelican Echo 419, approaching covenant arms cache” As the story is written in a logs or time check it gives  a sense of what the time period is because the style of writing is also exciting and keeps you intensified as it is literally written into a war like situation as they detail almost everything that come from the battle or war which makes it even more interesting as this means of action and sort of realistic in a sci-fi way as the humans know they have limited resources and so they can’t do anything rational such as an all out assault. Though I like how the author disengages the reality that holds onto us and then uses a whole entire new reality of a whole different world and or maybe timeline.
The question is about the character with a little add in of some details of his life. Okay, so Master Chief is this bad ass Super human wearing a green armor called the MLJHONG which was named after the hammer of Thor. He is part of a project called the SPARTAN project which was to make a bunch of super humans to help the humans defeat the Covenant which are these religious aliens, and yes aliens because they have all these different types with the top being these weird alien people who are like the priest and pope called the Prophets (egotistic much huh) and then it goes from the Elites which are the race which is supposedly blessed and are almost as powerful as a SPARTAN but not strong enough, and then it goes to the rest which are the Hunters, Jackals, and the grunts, there is one more race though but I forgot which is known to be very good at technology no matter who it came from. But anyways back on topic, Master Chief real name is John and his tag is Spartan-117 which is often used for his name. He was kidnapped at age 6 by a women who was leading the SPARTAN project, for his abilities that were abnormal, but because of this ability he was taken away from his family and was cloned and in place of him was taken by his clone. He was one of the remaining 26 survivors out of a couple hundred kids because they died off during training, did not survive the drugs, or was deformed from the drugs to the capability that they weren’t able to move or such not. But either way, these 26 was quickly reduced to 1 as Master Chief is the only survivor, and just as so he was the leader. But because of the SPARTAN PROJECT he is the “Human Alien” which is sort of offensive as he is consider a outcast, but even so I think it’s unfair as he is still a human being, enjoying the simple things such as a shower. “Though brief, the shower felt good, very good, and the Spartan enjoyed every second of it” Here he enjoys the bath he was given and seriously, which human wouldn’t enjoy a nice bath.
The question for this part is what this book would interest and who would be interested in it for what type of audience would like this. This book is mostly about science fiction, so definitely is for sci-fi fans for starters, but this book was also based off of a very popular video game from Bungi though its mostly for the xbox. The game is called HALO. So not only is the book for science fiction fan, it is also for people who had played the game and wanted a better insight on the game because this game has racked in about 1 million users a day. Another thing I think this book is for is for people who actually want to know the story line instead of playing the game, but that’s just a small group of people, another thing I think of that is also a aimed audience for the book is that people who haven’t played the game but is interested in the storyline such as people as me, because I got hooked onto the story after the first book, it was true interesting to just put down and so I kept reading and reading. Though for this book, I would recommend it to those who just enjoy a great sci-fi novel and also to my friends who have played HALO themselves. Though I really am kind of curious as to why they had changed author in the second novel of the HALO series  because that sort of confuses me and also for the first and 3rd which have the same author.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


The Title of the book is The Flood, by William C. Dietz, Genre is Sci-Fi, and the question is the style of writing the author portrays. The style of writing is that of an entertainer through words, he describes things to give them a life like feeling through scientific impossibilities at the moment for the technologies we have. The author also writes for a game company, so the style is sort of a more detailed version of the campaign of the game, but it becomes more dramatic in the book giving more details and even details that were not in the book because in the game all you had was through the view of the main character, but in this it gives you another view from other viewpoints such as from the covenant and what they feel or what they hear and why are they even fighting against the humans. Because of this it gives a better insight on the storyline so you know a bit more about the other characters. Another type of style writing is that it is a bit militaristic, giving strategies, thinking procedures of what to do and what would be a good counter for each weapon, it also talks about the story in sort of logs such as “D + 58:36:31 (SPARTAN-117 Mission Clock) / Pelican Echo 419, approaching covenant arms cache” As the story is written in a logs or time check it gives  a sense of what the time period is because the style of writing is also exciting and keeps you intensified as it is literally written into a war like situation as they detail almost everything that come from the battle or war which makes it even more interesting as this means of action and sort of realistic in a sci-fi way as the humans know they have limited resources and so they can’t do anything rational such as an all out assault. Though I like how the author disengages the reality that holds onto us and then uses a whole entire new reality of a whole different world and or maybe timeline.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Master Chief

The title of my book is The Flood, by William C. Dietz, on which is a Sci-fi story, on the subject of just entertainment. Okay, so Master Chief is this bad ass Super human wearing a green armor called the MLJHONG which was named after the hammer of Thor. He is part of a project called the SPARTAN project which was to make a bunch of super humans to help the humans defeat the Covenant which are these religious aliens, and yes aliens because they have all these different types with the top being these weird alien people who are like the priest and pope called the Prophets (egotistic much huh) and then it goes from the Elites which are the race which is supposedly blessed and are almost as powerful as a SPARTAN but not strong enough, and then it goes to the rest which are the Hunters, Jackals, and the grunts, there is one more race though but I forgot which is known to be very good at technology no matter who it came from. But anyways back on topic, Master Chief real name is John and his tag is Spartan-117 which is often used for his name. He was kidnapped at age 6 by a women who was leading the SPARTAN project, for his abilities that were abnormal, but because of this ability he was taken away from his family and was cloned and in place of him was taken by his clone. He was one of the remaining 26 survivors out of a couple hundred kids because they died off during training, did not survive the drugs, or was deformed from the drugs to the capability that they weren’t able to move or such not. But either way, these 26 was quickly reduced to 1 as Master Chief is the only survivor, and just as so he was the leader. But because of the SPARTAN PROJECT he is the “Human Alien” which is sort of offensive as he is consider a outcast, but even so I think it’s unfair as he is still a human being, enjoying the simple things such as a shower. “Though brief, the shower felt good, very good, and the Spartan enjoyed every second of it” Here he enjoys the bath he was given and seriously, which human wouldn’t enjoy a nice bath.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Confusion and Fear

After looking through many vignettes, these 3 stood out to me most because it seemed to me that these feelings were occurring in many forms but was still the same. There was a bit of mixed emotions though as it was about confusion and fear. The three people that I found the similarity amongst were Mercedes(Middle), Susan(The Bees), and Aakash or A-kash or even Aakashoe.(Nepal in Crisis)
The first one that I read before noticing the similarities was Mercedes, in her blog she talks about how middle school was hell for her, and that I can definitely relate too. But what I found most surprising was the way she incorporated the years throughout middle school and giving a brief description for each, and I find it funny because that was almost exactly how middle school was for me. A quote I found linked up to the others was during her first year in middle school, 6th grade and her first impression of the school:
Wood wasn't a good place to be, never will be a good place again, judging by how it's doing as of late...  It started with 6th grade, which was supposed to be the worst year of middle school, according to various sources. We were the underdogs, the little kids on big kid planet. I got lost so easily... the school seemed huge. I was so happy to have Aiyana with me…”
Here, Mercedes seemed to be a bit fearful of middle school, and from that, I was not surprised because everyone would be scared after changing to a new school, a whole entire new school that is. But she was happy or relieved when her friend Aiyana was around.
Secondly, I noticed Susan blog had almost the same effect of atmospheric relationships amongst Mercedes and Aakash as her is about fear of the unknown, as she didn’t have enough information about the bee of which she was terrified of back then. But after she got what known information of the bee, she wasn’t afraid no more so relating back to as to the fear of the unknown:
I used to be afraid of bees. I used to scream at the sight of them, run away, hide in the corner of my room until Mutti came to get me. When I was younger there were a lot of bees where I lived. They were innocent, of course. All bees are. A bee will not sting a person unless it is necessary- for when they sting a person, they die. All of their organs pool out and they fall to the ground, only to be stomped on.
The fear of being stung from a little bee seemed to have frighten Susan but as she started to get information on the subject, she started to think they were cute as they were fuzzy but just as well as if they were stun, then they would die so the bees had to be careful of who they stung.
The last one was Aakash blog on his time in Nepal during the time of revolution, the fear of dyeing would scare just about anyone but I guess he would be at that age and time because you could just be randomly shot at and your life, gone in a instant so I thought it was pretty interesting and that it was natural to feel such feelings during a time of war. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Once a great man, always a great man

This man was nearly a mystery, no one really knew as to why he kept doing what he did. He somehow was able to complete his goal as he inspired many people to keep trying if really that was his goal. I’m not sure from other people experience but from mine I found it to be really enjoyable because what I saw in him is that he inspired people in knowledge or idea because he seemed to always try and learn. He also inspired people to try hard physically though I don’t really think most people did what he said, but he was able to inspire a few individual. I don’t know why life would take such a man since he really didn’t do wrong and wasn’t even that old and didn’t even seem to have any problems in any medical reasons. I also enjoyed helping him at times and I felt guilty at times when I don’t because I know how hard he worked, but myself, as a kid I always wanted to hang out with my friends so I tried to avoid helping him because my friends often left me behind. But because of this I wanted to lessen the burden that was placed upon him. What really was weird to me was that he drove 2 hours for us so just so he could help teach even though the gas price was now 5 dollars a gallon and that of a teacher’s salary is small, I think such teachers are rare now these days, teachers that only want to teach for them to be hard to find, is kind of ironic but you can find them at ASTI. I hate how we always took advantage of this great man as he bought most of the gears for us to play with but I guess it was just because we always thought he would be around us. As this is a vignette I wrote for this man but I don’t know if it’d be great or not but I hope I got what message out for this man. Daniel Sousa, you will be missed dearly by the students of ASTI though if you somehow read this I hope you liked it and to know you won’t be forgotten and will live on in the memories of many, I also think I might make this day… March 25th, the memorial day of the proud man named Daniel Sousa.

Friday, March 25, 2011

A house of my own :D

I think that Ezperanza a.k.a. Cisneros will go far because basically Cisneros is writing about her life, though a character with a different name, I’m pretty sure that it’s a life story about herself. Why I think that is because Ezperanza and Cisneros have things in common so definitely there is a connection between the character and Cisneros not just by a author-character relationship but with life experience. But the things she had in common were poetry and or literature and such. I also see that she agreed to go back after reading The Three Sisters which was basically telling about Ezperanza future as the 3 sisters were fortune teller of some sort, or probably people who can grant wishes:
“You must remember to come back. For the ones who cannot leave as easily as you. You will remember? She asked as if she was telling me. Yes, yes, I said a little confused.” (105)
Here she had admitted to coming back and definitely think she had. Cisneros, who was Ezperanza, probably did go back and got the people that could not get out as easily as she could as Cisneros life is just an expansions on Ezperanza life.
Though I really did think that Ezperanza got her house as Cisneros had said on a vignette named A House of My Own, here she talks about her dream house and I think that it is basically the house Cisneros had gotten for herself:
“Not a flat. Not an apartment in back. Not a man’s house. Not a daddy’s. A house all my own. With my porch and my pillow, my pretty purple petunias. My books and my stories. My two shoes waiting beside the bed. Nobody to shake a stick at. Nobody’s garbage to pick up after.
A House quiet as snow, a space for myself to go, clean as paper before the poem.”
Here she explains a house, her dream house and I don’t think it as too descriptive, it gives off enough information such as how she had wished for such a house like this and so that is why I think Ezperanza had gotten far enough to make her dream come true.

Boys and girls :D

Cisneros point of view on why boys and girls should be treated are great opinionated points on how she feels about them, though she never tells it directly it is still visible and see able trough out the story. I agree on some cases on how she says how women are treated. At one part of the story though, she talks about a women named Marin. A quick summary of who she is, is that she is a woman that Ezperanza likes, she seems to have many life experience and shares them with whoever listens to her as in the book it said that she seemed to only get out of the house when her aunt comes home so I think the aunt is afraid and only lets her out when she knows it. But she also sells beauty product so she knows pretty much what boys want. But as Cisneros uses Marin as an example as to why boys and girls are different stated in this quote:
“What matters, Marin says, is for the boys to see us and for us to see them.”
Here I think she is saying that both boys and girls have a different view on each other so how can we be treated the same if we have different view on each other is basically what Cisneros implies. But as the stories prolong there seemed to be a sort of bias thinking in my opinion.
Another point of view on why boys and girls how they should be treated from Cisneros were implicated over at the vignette Alicia Who sees Mice. Another short summary of the character Ezperanza describes is Alicia, she is a Young adult probably around 18-21 who basically is left to take care of her father because her mother died but she is very smart because she is studying at a university. But she is afraid of mice which is kind of a bias thing against women as explained:
“Is a good girl, my friend, studies all night and sees the mice, the ones her father says do not exist. Is afraid of nothing except four-legged fur.”
Here I think it is bias because you know how women are often seen on cartoons to be afraid of mice, so I think it’s a bit bias when Cisneros says that she is afraid of mice and that’s why I think it gets bias later on in the story.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Oh shiznle

The oh **** moments in life:
Life has many moments, like this one time I had experienced. Luke said he had a new girl friend. I told him that was awesome and that I also have a new girl friend. And then he said it was awesome. I said that we should show off a little and he said yah alright, we both called our girl friends. And when mine picked up I ask if she wanted me to meet me at the place I was at right now, the mall, she said sure and then hung up… I wonder why. And then Luke said that he can’t today and that she was busy so I said it doesn’t matter so I’ll show mines off first and then him later. We waited for a few minutes and then Luke said he needed to go to the bathroom and I said alright and he went. But then I saw my girl friend Natalie coming down the escalator and I waved to her, she smiled and waved back at me and so I waited for her to walk over here and I pulled her chair out and let her sit in it and then I pushed it back in, she then said, what I wanted to meet her for and I said to show you off, she said alright and smiled at me. And Luke came back gawking as I was talking to her, and then he came up jogging. What Luke, I asked, but he was focused on Natalie who was just as surprised and was frozen up. Luke said, What are you doing here Natalie? I thought you said you were busy. Natalie didn’t know what to say so she stayed quiet. I asked, what is this about Luke and how did you know Natalie. He said, she’s my girlfriend. no… she is mine… and then we both looked at her, she was getting up from the chair with her hair down, and said Well I got to be going.

Hah, life... how you are so funny.

I don't wanna think about her:

I’m not going to think about how I first met her. I’m not going to think about all the times on her birthday I was always the first one to say happy birthday to her. I’m not going to think about how she understands boys so well. I’m not going to think about how she is like a huge combination of a frilly girl and a tomboy. I’m not going to think about how she loves to play video games and that we play together. I’m not going to think about how she owns so many things ranging from comics too the dress she owns. I’m not going to think about how she has an army of cats. I’m not going to think about how she is a bit older than me but everyone makes fun of that but I don’t give a crud. I’m not going to think about how she is a bit stronger than me and can kick my butt any time and any day. I’m not going to think about how she is sometimes mean to me and conspire with other friends to tease me but I laugh because they are funny. I’m not going to think about how she may call herself stupid… but actually is one of the smartest people I know. I’m not going to think about how she knows about so much about what types of cars there are. I’m not going to think about how she is one of the most unique girls I know. I’m not going to think about how much I love her.
I came home from school and I was sleepy because last night I didn’t get enough sleep so I took off my shoes, put my back pack on the couch, and laid my body down, the couch and took a nap because I when I get around to my homework. When my dad woke me up it was dinner time and so I was hungry and so I went to the dinner table and went to eat my dinner with my family because I didn’t want to work on my homework on a empty stomach. I Finished eating my dinner first and went to the refrigerator to get a cup from the freezer where I always put my cups because I like to drink things cold and so when I drank it, it would be cold since I needed to hydrate myself before working on my homework. So I filled my cup with water and waited for the water to get cold, because I like cold water and I need cold water to help me concentrate on my homework. After I finish I thought I could clean my room as well because I didn’t want to clean my room after finishing my homework. After my room was clean I noticed it was getting late, so I went on facebook to make sure I got all my homework and asked my friends for what was the homework. And now I finally do my homework.
Lala Land:
My fantasy world, I like my fantasy world, I like how it normal, how great it is, how better it is, because I know it my world. Thus in my fantasy world, I’m a survivor in a zombie apocalypse with my trusty katana. My katana and I would go on daily massacre on zombies; chopped heads would be rolling in hundreds each day till the world is rid of zombies because I will be cutting them down constantly, but the feeling of exhilaration from the slaughter of the undead, the adrenaline of knowing that if I fail, I’ll be eaten alive is really what excites me. So, this would be a fun world for me because no homework, no worries, no school; the fun of being free in such a world. Though the only reason for such a world is an escape from my current world, but I know such world couldn’t really possibly happen, or could it.

Friday, March 11, 2011


The symbolism of falling is of feeling, emotion, failure, and also hope. There were examples on such things for page 26-27 Marin, Page 29-30 There Was An Old Woman She Had So Many Children She Didn’t Know What to Do, and lastly on page 92-93 What Sally said. For Marin, it was about a person who Ezperanza sort of enjoyed having in her life but knew she could not stay there permanently because Marin aunt (who she was staying with) thought she was too much trouble. But for the quote, it represents failure, hope, and somewhat the emotion love. But for people to understand you need to read the whole content is needed to be read for people to understand but here it is:
“Marin, under the streetlight, dancing by herself, is singing the same song somewhere. I know. Is waiting for a car to stop, a star to fall, someone to change her life.”
The quote meaning for me, is hope, to hope that someone could take her away from the life she has been given currently but knew it was a long shot but she still hoped for it and wished it as it said “...someone to change her life.” This quote just basically explains the rest.
            Another reason as to why falling represents feeling, emotion, failure, and also hope, is also in There Was An Old Woman She Had So Many Children She Didn’t Know What to Do. In this vignette it represents failure as the children do not have any future at all as it seems and I think one died for being stupid and playing on the wall. Though the failure really represents the mom as her life was completely ruin by men just by knocking her up and then leaving and as a result, affected her children:
            “…nobody looked up not once the day Angel Vargas learned to fly and dropped from the sky like a sugar donut, just like a falling star, and exploded down to earth without even an “Oh.”
For the quote, it means failure, the failure to comply with society as the people of Ezperanza neighborhood just got tired of these kids because they were obnoxious and rude. Why you may ask, it’s because the mom couldn’t really be there for the kids and so couldn’t really teach them right from wrong adding onto the failures.
            The 3rd thing as to why falling represented all that other stuff above was this other vignette called What Sally Said which was about an abused child in terms of “being hit like an animal.” But what’s worse is that the Dad forces her daughter to lie about being hit and so she says she “falls” which is the symbolic word in the vignette. But this one specifically meant something more, as such I guess failure as the situation seemed to be similar to the 2nd example of vignette. But here is the quote.
            “A girl that big, a girl who comes in with her pretty face all beaten and black can’t be falling off the stairs.”
In this one it was sort of hard to understand it but I got it after comparing all of the falling and that is why I categorized it under failure. Reason is because Sally was beaten and coming to school all bruised, which was enough to tell that this treatment was unfair, and just a lost cause as no one could help her.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Windows :S

The symbolism of the window is to say that it is a gateway to their dream, but a dream that is unreachable, as given as an example on page 82 of Sally as she just talks about her dream, but she knows that it is unachievable because Ezperanza wants to live in a nice little house with such windows so she can have her “real house”.
“The windows would swing open, all the sky would come in. There’d be no nosy neighbors watching, no motorcycles and cars, no sheets and towels and laundry. Only trees and more trees and plenty of blue sky.”
Here is another example of what I meant, the window is a window to a dream, an unachievable dream I think, but it shows it through this window to show the wish and the sadness of being unable to achieve it because of society oppressing the people such as on page 79 of Rafaela Who Drinks Coconut & Papaya Juice on Tuesdays, when Ezperanza and friends talk about Rafaela as she wants to go have fun outside instead of being locked inside and kept there.
“…Rafaela, who is still young but getting old from leaning out the window so much, gets locked indoors because her husband is afraid Rafaela will run away since she is too beautiful to look at.
          Rafaela leans out the window and leans on her elbow and dreams her hair is like Rapunzel’s. On the corner there is music from the bar, and Rafaela wishes she could go there and dance before she gets old.”
But that isn’t really the end of the story because another example to reason as to why windows are a gateway or window to the in achievable dream is also on page 77 of No Speak English. It talks about a neighbor of Ezpranza who brought in his mom but she is homesick and wishes to go back to her homeland .
“She sits all day by the window and plays the Spanish radio show and sings all the homesick songs about her country in a voie that sounds like a seagull.”

Friday, February 25, 2011

Celie and Nettie Comparison

              The obvious differences between Celie and Nettie are that they both had different ways to live their lives, though Celie life was ruined due to her step dad raping her. But in addition, a part where Celie notices that the dad was looking at Nettie in such ways that seemed to suggest that she was going to be his next victim.  But luckily Celie foiled his plans and so forth was able to save Nettie and allowed her to stay in school and get educated while Celie had to suffer for her sister in order to give her a path in life. The book this is called the Color Purple by Alice Walker. The Genre of the book is fiction as there is no proof as she does claim these were real people.
            The first difference was religious and spirituality differences In Celie and Nettie. Celie at first, was a follower of god but as she started to think for herself and became more… knowledgeable… she began to resent god “I don’t write to god no more…” and when Shug asked what happened to god she replied with “Who that? I say.”(192)  though, later on she does admit to be more spiritual. Shug convinces her to be happy and that god is everywhere, though not exactly because she said that if it is for god to be everywhere you also have to believe he is there in your heart so that you could enjoy life. While Nettie differences is that she turned her religion into a career and she does in fact believe in god as said on page 171 in a letter that was for Celie but it never reached her on the date it was supposed to because Albert took the message away. Though Celie did find them and read them and at the end of this specific letter Nettie wrote “I trust god they will” and also on page 143 when she said “I dare not ask, I know. But leave it all to God.”
            The second difference about Celie and Nettie was their opinion of Gender Inequality. For Celie, gender inequality always been a problem for her as she really did believe  in men being superior to women. This is caused by this chain of thought coming from one single phase she had mentioned “I only want to survive” (page 21). But in Nettie’s view of gender inequality, she finds it unfair and actually tries to fight it. Since she did not fear the men who tried to oppress her and fought back willingly except at some parts to respect others culture. As such on page 161 here she fights for Olivia’s friend Tashi “Tashi is very intelligent, I said. She could be a teacher. A nurse. She could help the people in the village.”
            The third difference was the people that were there to help the two during their entire life. For Celie, she was mostly able to survive because God was one of the people that helped her. He was sort of a training wheel for her till she was able to take care of herself and live for herself. Another person that helped Celie was Shug who did tremendous things and got her off her training wheels. So she was able to see the world in a very different way other than seeing god as a white man with a beard or even thinking Christianity is a religion by whites but to think more spiritually. By seeing the world as it is and live happy throughout it by enjoying life, and making it suitable for herself. Another couple of people I think that helped Celie were Sophia who helped her to develop the idea of fighting back males. For Nettie she had the help of her older sister because if her step dad impregnated her then she would be taken out of school and ended probably just like Celie. Another person that helped Celie I think was the reverend who actually sort of took care of Nettie and was a great friend to Nettie while also giving her a new way to live her life.
These two love each other very much but they are opposites. But it’s mostly because of their father as he ruined the very life of Celie ruining her life completely though, she was able to protect Nettie from possibly suffering the same fate and so they could live two different life styles as Celie was more demoralized and suffered for it through the prime of her years though she found happiness at the end of it but still, she lost the prime of her years while Nettie was able to enjoy hers.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Rebuttal for Jessica: Pro

In this rebuttal i will be rebutting against Jessica about if Social networks are harmful or not. But for my rebuttal i am saying that social networks ARE NOT HARMFUL. (My link should be right here --><---)
The first point that i think you clearly made was that pedophiles were mostly online right? Well i have to say that most pedophiles on social networks are “43% of online sexual solicitors
were identified as being adolescents (under 18), 30% were adults between the ages of 18 and 21, and 9% were adults over the age of 21” while also in question was this really based off of opinion or fact as I have noticed there wasn’t real support behind that statement.
Another thing was that when i read your evidence... I’ve noticed that it says social networks builds fake relationship... but you can also think of it as helping relationships because you can’t be with the person you want to be 24/7. But with social networks, now you can help build on your relationship even though they aren’t there while making social network a great idea to help build onto relationship when it needs it most.
But there are even greater things about social network such as it “...bring people with common interests together, offer exposure to new ideas from around the world, and lower inhibitions to overcome social anxiety. People who have a difficulty communicating in person are more comfortable interacting via the Internet.” As social networking make people more comfortable and less shy so they are able to share there interest or ideas with whoever is interested in the same things.
Also social networking sites such as twitter was a great help in creating democracy in Iranian, and it was so important that on “...June 2009 that the US State Department asked Twitter to delay a scheduled network upgrade that would have taken the website offline at a busy time of day in Iran. Twitter complied and rescheduled the downtime to 1:30 am Tehran time. “ Even the government said they should wait to do maintenance when it was a major key factor in the protest after the Iranian presidential election.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Color Purple:1

Celie letters to god are just about her day to day life… she probably doesn’t write everyday though because in some of the letters it skips through time probably like 5 days to a month or even a year. She likes to learn but was soon taken out of school because of her dad who impregnated her. It tells a lot about her life. So far in her letters we have learned that she is a lesbian but had 2 children due to incest from her dad. One she thinks got killed in the woods, and the other one given away for money but in other words it seems to be that. Celie is also a good house keeper as it was mentioned so when her sister-in-laws came over to visit saying that she was even better then the last wife her husband had. She also thinks that if she stays quiet and hides in the background she will live seeing that she always gets beat or pushed over. She seems to be good with kids but has no loves towards any of them though but I’m guessing it’s probably just because she never really got to know them but she does love her sister and tried to protect her when she still lived with her dad. We also see that she is a bit jealous of her step son relationship as she sees that the wife doesn’t get beat and is willingly able to fight for her rights. Her beliefs are very strong though, but as some of my colleges said, “she doesn’t really believe in god but is thinking there is a better life in the afterlife” and so she is pushed on through her life, thinking like this, like she will be happy in the afterlife. We also see she strongly believes in god as in each line so far she wrote Dear, God and that he will always be with her. But I think she might just be lonely and so that loneliness made her a bit psychotic or she was probably just brought up like this.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Should Child Actors Be Role Models?

Pros side of this:

Child actors should be Role Models because since they are well known and just about everywhere, they could be a huge influence over the children over the world. So using that advantage to our own, as Gandhi said children are our future we could possibly use them to create a peaceful world by using them to teach of right and wrong and the consequences.
Plus child actors should be role models is that every child will look up to them more often and understand them more better if we let them tell it because there attention will be diverted to the Child Actors and therefore it would be better to have celebrities to tell kids from rights and wrongs and make them understand what to deal with while making it easier to learn for them from a self study on myself. As i would much rather watch my favorite cartoon character tell me about the news then Obama himself.
Another thing is that i think child actors are only bad to the public is because of paparazzi and i would definitely agree that it would be annoying having someone around always taking picture of me. But if celebrities were allowed freedom of privacy then they would be much better role models as we would not know their bad side and let them be without pestering them and destroying a life just because of one video that not only other people do.
One more pro for why the only reason Celebrities such as Hannah Montana looks bad... is just because she did drugs which in fact is her own life to choose, and lots of people have done too... but she is now labeled as a “bad role model” is because she tried to enjoy life through drugs, in my opinion the only reason she looks bad is that because some back stabbing friend sent it out to try and ruin her reputation which they have succeeded and because of this i think she has no rights as a U.S. citizen. She does not have the right to have privacy. But one reason as to why i think she isn’t that bad because she only probably tried it or she probably would never have shown anyone or tell them that she does drugs.
(a link i got from Kims which was a great point to explain this if you look at the comments too

Friday, January 14, 2011

Death and Balance

You know, no one wants to die... but for me i don’t really mind and sometimes in my state of... mood... i wish for it at times but I’ve always found time to be around it. I only have a problem of how I’m going to die, which i wish would be quick and painless because i don’t want to die slowly and painfully or even watch how i will slowly deteriorate even though it might be painless. But even so we all have this function in our brain that keeps us surviving and unaccepted of death till we can’t take it no more and the end result... being suicidal actions.

Even so i don’t want to die too old either or even too young, the way how i probably exactly want to die is going to be fifty to sixty, being full with expensive and tasty food, and probably dieing in some happy state of sort without regrets. Bit much to ask but that is really the way how i want to die because i don’t want to die with any regrets nor on a empty stomach. But you know, not most people get to choose there death so that’s kind of unfair even though we get to choose how we live.

Just another thing about this is that i wonder what life would be without death, unable to die, to live freely forever... to not be able to be burnt, stabbed, freeze or anything that can cause death. I really do wonder what will happen, it seems sort of interesting and funny, but sad and depressing at the same time because you never know what humans might come up with if such things were too happen and I'm partly afraid of the idealism of that.

One more thing is that i wonder why nature wants us to die, really though why must life end, is it because of balance or what, how do we even know that this is true balance for all we could possibly comprehend... chaos could be balance. But either way the balance of life is very interesting though for you to gain you have to lose so behind every death of a human there is a gain of something else.

Response post to Susan

This is a response post to Susan blog post on what we had discussed during WWII.

Hiroshima. Nagasaki. We're learning about these places and their disastrous histories in (surprisingly)Writing class, as the unit we're studying is peace and how to achieve it and it was used as an example of using violence to achieve peace, since the bombings ended World War Two
What kind of civilization are we, what kind of people, where these kinds of things can happen and we can just move on with our lives?

I agree with you Susan, its total bullsh*t for what countries have done to other countries, but in all ends there is no way to change it, so the only thing we can do is forget about it, it might seem cruel to forget such deaths but the way i see it is what if we forget such disasters... maybe if we can... people won’t repeat it... But that’s a probability that doesn’t seem like it will happen... people find the joy in the suffering of others may it be direct or indirect we all have made people suffer just for the joy.

In my eyes if humans can finally find ways to satisfy our enjoyments or needs less suffering will be caused. But that probably also a impossible feat but either way somehow the human race tries in all ends.

One more thing about this is that i know that the Atomic Bombing of Japan is unjustified since it really killed more citizen then it had soldiers, but you do have to agree Japan sort of started it and so America probably attacked with such bombs thinking of lesser consequences but i still think it was a grudge and really unnecessarily. Though if you think about it, do you think the war would have ended, ended even though we threaten them and showed them the power, they might just looked at death with nothing more than a glance. Even so i couldn’t believe that they had to blow up such cities that consisted mostly of civilians, people who were innocent from the war, such people brought into it in a instant of death and becoming casualties of war.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

College vs Elite College

I think the most persuasive debate is the one from Martha O'Connell on What You Do vs. Where You Go. To me the reason why is that i find it that its more in tune with the students... it doesn't just blurt out results of what you will get after a Elite college because not all results are the same and not everyone is the same, unlike the other passages I’ve read... some aren’t even true and they don’t even have a source to what they are saying... so it makes me wonder if they just blurted it out so people will try to aim for Elite Colleges. Another thing is that i like how she doesn’t care about results and shows proof that some famous people are college drop outs. But that is also her fatal point as Cameron pointed out in class that some people will think that’s better and not even attend college depending on luck there whole life. One more thing is that she also talks about how Students should be able too choose there own colleges and not let the parents do the picking for them, I agree on certain points on this but i think if you wanted your parents help that’s fine.
I think the most stupidest debate and least persuasive was the one from Anthony P. Carnevale on Access to Money and Power. From what I’ve been hearing a couple of people agree and one person told me that she thinks this person is too sarcastic, I didn’t really notice it till i reread it again and i totally agree with her but sometimes Sarcasm is needed to draw the attention of a reader, but in this case it’s used in a error manner. The way this person talks is also not focused to an extent of one single point and doesn’t get to the point in anyway possible making it a big hard to understand this persons real goal on what he is trying to talk about. But like i said in the first paragraph this person only said results and data he had probably made up, isn’t very true.