Friday, December 17, 2010

Response post to Shiyun Yang

This is a response post to Shiyun Yang Blog Post.  I have a question about the future, a argument with her idealism, and a agreement between her statement.
What does future mean? What is the future that awaits us all? I have been thinking about my future recently and thought that there is no answer to what that will await me. There is no way I would know what my future will be like, for I have to decide that myself. For every decision that I make in life, there will be a result to things. No one can really change what they have done or go back to the past and start over again. We will also have to look at the road ahead and make better decisions.
            What does the future hold for us… isn’t the future basically every millennium, century, year, months, day, hours, minutes, seconds, or anything that has a mental form of time moving… or is it something more such as the events that happen. What is the future really, how does time work with what’s happening and create whatever future we have, would life still go on if time stopped. But your idealism of that of the future seems to be a bit wrong on some parts, such as when you quoted “… there is no answer to what that will await me.” Here you sometimes do have the answer to your future, as sometimes can be really obvious or could also be continuum of happening enabling you to guess that it will happen around a certain time or place. But also I also disagree on the point that we choose our future… as I speak we are going by what society has given us and were just following a road towards the same ending, there isn’t really ever a chance for us to choose our own path as long as there are right and wrong as that will keep us from being fully free minded. Another thing is that I agree with you when you quoted “For every decision that I make in life, there will be a result to things.” There is always some sort of result to everything as it can be the lowest as a thank you from helping someone out or to the highest of results such as discovering a new intelligent life form.

Book post for The Curious Incident of The Night Time Dog

In our discussion for the story of the “The Curious Incident of The Night Time Dog” we discussed many things of Christopher John Francis Boone. As we discussed the book, Colin brought up an excellent point of how the moral of the story was. And it was that there is many paths but it doesn’t matter which one you take as the way you go, there is always a exact end result. But I kind of disagree with that because of what we do can affect our future, and there isn’t a decided fate for all of us. But another thing I heard was that this book could just be about a happy family story about a autism kid.
I don’t really think I contributed much of the really good main topics and that I think I missed a few. But I contributed that I think the mom should at least move into the house back with the dad so they can all live together again… if the father allows it of course because I think the dad is still pretty mad at the mom for cheating on him. But if the dad really wanted his son back I think he would do it and somehow… maybe just somehow the mom and the dad will get back together again and they will be a happy family… or what comes close at least. Another part I was glad that I contributed was that the very last paragraph when he said:
                And I know I can do this because I went to London on my own, and because I solved the mystery of Who Killed Wellington? And I found my mother and I was brave and I wrote a book and that means I can do anything.

This show how confident of who he was and of what he did. Christopher probably was glad of what he can do and after the things he went through I’m not sure he deserves it.
                I think Ashli brought up the point that the two parents should get back together and I sort of agreed with her in the first paragraph, but after a while of thinking the possible ending and that Christopher was probably the cause for all of this I don’t think they should.

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Night-Time PART 2

This is my second book post for The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Night-Time. For today’s discussion I had with my group was more about the story and the irony of it. Such as we learned that the Mother was actually alive (I was right on my guess because I didn’t believe there was enough proof to prove that the mother was dead). And what’s more is that she is with Roger (Mr. Shears). But I kind of guessed they would be together if she wasn’t in a grave somewhere in Swindon, Wiltshire.
Examples as to why I did not think that the Mother was dead. My first reason was as to why the Dad and Christopher John Francis Boone did not go visit her grave. My second reason was that why couldn’t the son go to see his mother, which then I did not that she had died. But mostly I think what contributed most was that I’ve heard of many storylines like this and most of them occur to have them not dead to build a climax or suspension of the story.
Another discussion of my group was that we talked about the mentioning of stars, and how that we are going by what Roman used to map out the stars such as Orion the Hunter, but unlike Christopher John Francis Boone, he ask why and that we could redraw the stars anyway we want to make it like a Dionsaur or a Lady with a Umbrella and even a Coffee maker. Logically I think he is correct and in my opinion… I don’t want to follow that system anymore… I’d rather have my own constellation of the stars.
But even so far in the book I think Christopher is still very logical as he knows how to find his way through sticky situation such as on the street, he was able to explore his surrounding blocks without getting lost, and he probably been there once I think, and he said that there were too many people so it threw his mind off and he couldn’t concentrate. Another thing that I suggest that made him really logical was when he was running away from home, he made a couple of solution and crossed out the places where he could not go ending with him deciding to go to his mom house.

Response post to Mr. Sutherland :3

                This is a response post to Mr. Sutherlands Blog, I’m mostly doing this because I’m curious as to if anyone has ever did so but anyways, this is about the Bacha Bazi.
It turns out that his pattern of child molesting goes much deeper.

Wikileaks, in a recent document-dump, has stirred up evidence that as part of the war effort in Afghanistan, almost two billion US tax dollars have been spent contracting with a private company which, among other scandals, helped throw a party for Afghan police recruits where young boys were pimped out for sex. This is called bacha bazi, and is apparently a widespread practice, although how common it is nobody knows.

                I have to say, some people sure are really big pedophile, they dress up little boys and use them for “rated R” stuff. But I want justice for these boys, and even more so that I’m mad that I can’t really do anything about it for a couple of reasons. Reason the people who say they are going to stop this are actually doing themselves, such as powerful politicians or high ranking officials, or even police forces of Afghanistan. The second reason is that even though if I were to go do something I know I wouldn’t be able to impact much people’s opinion of how wrong this is since that it seems like that they “enjoy the rated R” stuff with the boys. Reason three is that if I were to try and stop it I would most likely get killed if I get close enough. Reason four is that it is probably widespread and this tradition has been going on for many years so I would not know where to begin. Reason five is that it isn’t realistic enough to me that I would be able to stop it completely.
                I have a question though, is why they do this, what reason would they want little boys instead. With all the power I think they have, they could probably go for women instead of little boys dressed up in girls’ clothes. And the cruelty of how they take advantage of little boy seems to be a bit too cruel too; they take advantage of families which cannot support themselves.
                But my final question for this is… WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH THEM. I seriously wonder why would they even need little children for their “entertainment”

Monday, December 6, 2010

Book post that apparently wouldn't publish >:( angry face at blogger but then again might have been a technical difficulty with my computer :S

In this I think the book on The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Night-Time was quite interesting, we get to see a very detailed version of a Acoustic child perspective view. Unlike other books I have read, this is the first book I’ve read that is a murder mystery book, and it about a dog even for that matter. This book is really detailed in my opinion, so detailed I don’t really think I have any questions for it, or it could just be because of the acoustic child, and you never know what an acoustic child might do.
But this book is really great on how it draws you in, and it’s even more interesting to know that when the author wrote this book he didn’t even have much information about acoustic child when he started off. Even so, this book is interesting mostly because of the main character, the way he acts, the way he thinks, and the way he thinks of others. I have many examples for this such as when he mentioned in the book that is if someone punches him, then he will pull out a knife and kill him and call it self defense because he started it first. Another example is how much he likes math and physics and at one part on how he proved these mathematician wrong with a very difficult equation that I did not understand at all and it made me say something in my mind which was “HE GOT OWNED” well a simplified version of it. This book, the way it was built on doesn’t really seem to need to build on suspense, as I’ve noticed… but at one part, it made me go “OH DANG” which was someone… apparently cheated.
One final thing about the book is that I’ve like how they include stuff and make them important into the story such as a dog, even though it is sadly true, a dog isn’t very commonly thought of as more important than a human being. Though this question arose from all of it which really makes you wonder was, why he didn’t get a dog himself.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Response post to Rokhsor Blog

                This is a quote from Rokhsor blog, it is about trusting issues in my opinion but also forgiving issues too.
Should you forgive those who have made mistakes? It is a good question because it makes you think about what your friends and family have done to you in the past and you think about whether you have forgiven them or not. I personally do not like the idea of forgiving people because once someone messes up, they will do it again and again so to forgive them would be like stabbing your own body twice in the back. I hate how people say those who do not forgive are cold hearted because we are not. It is called being wise.
My version of a famous quote goes like this, "You lie to me once, shame on you. You lie to me twice, shame on me." 

                In this, I strongly disagree, not everyone will repeat a mistake twice. But you probably just met people in your life that does it again. But you can’t go on thinking everyone will because I think everyone deserves a chance, a risk, something to put faith into, because if we never do then for an example would be if you were a boss, and you don’t trust anyone, or will you forgive them, then your company will most likely be torn down. Because not everyone will get it on the first try and sometimes they don’t think it will hurt the person they love. But then again this might only work on special occasions such as cheating, now that I guess is something you cannot forgive. Though I see how you feel, it hurts.
                But in all truths ends I think your right that “SOME” people will betray your trust again and lie to you. But if you want them to get close to you have to let them be able to learn from their mistakes and help create a better relationship between the two of you. Concluding this final statement I have, is that life… is a trial and error process, you have to let relationships run into obstacles so you guys can learn and find ways to overcome it.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Kite runner Essay

            I think the author style of writing is emotional and also intense, but also sort of sad and in my opinion the regard for the people that died or are going to die isn’t very… important. But in all ends it is a very moving book while also being great information of what happened in Kabul. I think examples of the intensity building would probably be when Hassan gets raped and it builds up, at first Hassan would finish all his chore, and then he would go to bed ignoring the rest of the day, secondly then Amir and Hassan goes up to that tree where Amir tried to provoke Hassan to hit him. Then thirdly, Amir tells Baba a lie that he had lost his watch and his stack of money, where he had put it under Hassan and Ali bed, he then framed them that they had stolen it. But Baba forgives them, yet Hassan and Ali decided to leave.
            But I don’t think this book has much regards for the dead as the author kills off many people… even though I think with all the people they killed they should have had killed this specific person in the story for all the sins he had caused but instead… had his eye replaced with a object made out of brass… even so he described scenes with lots of dead bodies around, hanging from roofs in public… dripping blood. It was described as a horrifying scene, yet there was no feeling in it… it did not feel sad or depressing like it should have. But another thing I noticed about the story was that it was really focused on a specific character flashbacks and bits of the life he had, but I think it sort of had a hidden message to say that even the mightiest will fall which the mightiest represents Baba, as his fortune was just token away from him just in a couple of days when the soviets came in.
            The author Khaled Hosseini of The Kite Runner used to live in Kabul as his father used to work at a embassy there, but as he was a child he read many Persian poems, Persian translated books ranging from Alice in Wonderland to Mickey Spillane series. He was said to be influenced by that entire factor and one more. When he moved to Iran a Hazara named Hossein Khan worked for his father, who helped inspire his relationship of Hassan and Amir even though Hossein and Khaled weren’t as close to each other as their counterparts Amir and Hassan, he has fond memories of when Hossein worked for him as it was just brief and formal. The information I got was from Wikipedia Even though I have to say, this story sound really familiar from the life the author had even though it was not as dramatic, it is very similar. As he reflects himself as Amir, and his Hazara servant Hossein as Hassan you can find out that Khaled and Amir both love to write stories, live in a life of luxury for a while and also both moved to America. While Hossein and Hassan are alike as they are both Hazara, servants, but that is basically all the reason to as why Hassan was in the story though. But I think Khaled Dad is Baba as he seems to be government official as Baba talks about Politics and how much he hates monarchy which seems to be a reminder of Khaled Dad.
            But a single relationship between some characters were really emphasized such as Amir and Hassan, their relationship was sort of confusing, but in the end you knew that Amir and Hassan had a friendship even though Amir might have said that he thought of Hassan as a servant more than a friend. But the way I see it was that Amir did not deserve such a friend as Hassan, as such on the part of which Hassan gets raped, Amir didn’t even come in charging to help him, unlike Hassan who would just come in to rush and try to free Amir from moments like this. I think it shows how much of a coward Amir was at that time but he was probably too young to understand the consequences or guilt he would later have for that specific moment he did not help Hassan like he should have.
            Another relationship I noticed in the story was between Baba and Amir, as in the story Amir said he represented the good life but the guilt Baba had. So in the story Amir really looked up to Baba but Baba and him were distant from each other probably just from the guilt he had from a specific thing that he did. But it all changed when they moved to America, Baba and Amir got along a lot better, suggesting that it was all Baba guilt that separated those two as you can notice it if you read that far. Though only in general or a distinct feeling could you tell those two were getting along since they don’t really emphasize on it.
            One more Relationship in the story was of Baba and Hassan, you might dismiss it as untrue or not, but Baba and Hassan would have gotten really well together because of something they shared, but I won’t spoil it just yet. But because of this “special bond” they have Hassan is “like” another son to Baba and so forth Baba treats Hassan almost just as well as he does to Amir in the story.
            A last relationship in the story was between Baba and Ali, in the story, they put in a part of how much Baba Cares for Ali such as when Ali and Hassan were leaving, he started to cry, a normally he would never do such a thing, but he said Ali was like a brother to him and even commanded him to stay, but at last, he could not… But so forth Baba just cried.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Kite runner part 3

This is my final book discussion on kite runner, for today discus sion, our group combined with another and there was a lot of drama, I agree with Cameron on how it was a choice when Hassan left the house. But definitely Amir made it seem like how he was kicking Hassan out, but really in truth ends, Hassan chose to leave. I think it was mostly because Hassan still was very loyal to Amir. But Amir thought there could only be one of them to stay, and he chose himself, so he put all this cash and this watch he got for his birthday under Hassan bed, told Baba he was missing some stuff, and then he “supposedly” found it under Hassan bed. But everyone knew Hassan would not lie, and he lied that time just to protect Amir, showing how much loyal he was to Amir.
Another discussion I agreed with was with Mercedes, with all the people that died in the book. They should have killed Assef, it is sad to know that some pedophile is still alive, even though some hard brass ball hit him in the eye, which could kill him, survived. I think he doesn’t really deserve to live, he massacred a ton of Hazzara and yet he still able to walk around proudly, with no guilt at all and he described it as a scene he enjoyed, that especially got me ticked off. So I think they really should have gotten rid of Assef. He is really psychotic too, he buy kids and rapes them and maybe kill them because I remember the orphan ministrator said that some of the kids come back alive.
One more thing about the book, was that was why Rahim Kahn leaved, he could have at least stayed and said good bye to Amir before he left or die. But at most, he left a letter to tell Amir not to find him. It sort of messed up to me, Amir goes on this harsh journey, comes back, and Rahim Kahn isn’t even there to thank him in person.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Response pose to Adralyn

In this blog I have to agree and disagree on this blog from Adralyn’s Blog about proposition 19 the legalization of marijuana.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California said Monday that he is glad Proposition 19, which would have legalized recreational marijuana use in his state, was defeated - even though "no one cares if you smoke a joint or not."
Pot legalization advocates are undeterred by the defeat of Prop. 19
They see the election as a trial run that could lead to a campaign with a better message, a tighter measure and more money. Both the winning and losing sides say California's voters rejected this specific initiative, but remain open to legalizing the easily obtainable drug.

In my opinion I disagree that when you mentioned “no one cares if you smoke a joint or not”, there is a lot of people that do. Such as me, I don’t want people to be smoking around me; its unhealthy and 2nd hand smoking is more dangerous than first hand smoking. But also put yourself in this situation: You have a child, and someone is smoking marijuana right in front of you, do you think you would care, I will. I don’t want to teach smoking is cool or any such related to that.
But also I do agree with you that marijuana should be legalized as I think such will put many drug dealers out of work and that shall decrease drug deals and maybe crime. I also think it would help our economy as we can put a tax on marijuana and gain more money on it while maybe… just maybe make people want marijuana less just because it too expensive. But I also think it could possibly lower crime rates with fighting over marijuana being ceased.
But I think we should at least put some policies on it, saying that you can only smoke it at home or areas reserved for it, because I’d rather it not be in some place where it’s public and people can breathe the toxic air in. As of that I think I have proven my point clearly enough

Music club :D

                Today I went to music club on the twelfth of November on two zero one zero, it is really interesting on hearing the people play their instruments, they are all great at it too so I’m jealous of them a bit, but there are also great singers over there too and I sort of do wish I could sing too but sadly I cannot. But at music club I love how they deal with things, it sounds so fun when they practice for their upcoming performance on December fourth at the Silent Auction
            So far the clubs practicing their music is going really great. Kyle and Yong Foo are teaching David the part and Carrie (I think that’s how you spell her name) is teaching Peter a bit on the piano. Kyle and Yong Foo are really great teachers. But when Amber was here she sang a song I’m not really sure. But if you get the chance, you should really ask Amber to sing, it has a really great feeling when you listen to her.
            They also crack jokes when they play. It nice to laugh while hearing them play music, but they can get serious at times when they play since this upcoming event for the music club is going to actually be their first for this school year. I wish I could have at least audition for the performance but I can’t play any music myself so it really sucks.
            The only thing that’s bad about music club is that it sort of hard to follow on what they talk about, as I call it “the language of music in note form” such as “Put your finger here when you hit all the notes” or “Hit it like this when you play” and even “Play something note at this part of the song” it just really confusing to follow up all these things.
            But in the end the good outweighs the bad as when the people play, they have a really nice rhythm when they play. But when they play, they play in such a tune that it seems like they don’t need practice, its just really great at how they play their music, carefree and willing to share it with others who are willing to listen.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Kite runner part 2

It was sad when the orphanage got blown up… as Rahim described it as a messy scene with children body part and rubble everywhere and it was just a pile of rubbles afterwards. And the Taliban said it was just collateral damage, after what Rahim told Amir about the Taliban, I wanted to so go over there and drag them all into a small boat and kick it off into the Pacific Ocean with no paddles.
There was another part in the story; I didn’t really understand what Rahim meant when he told Hassan was Amir’s half brother, I didn’t know if Hassan or Amir shared the same mom or dad but after my discussion with my group I found out that Hassan and Amir shared the same dad… Baba. Though I wonder why didn’t Baba tell Hassan himself as it would have changed a lot of things and somehow I’d think things would be better as they would be more brotherly or loving of each other unless Amir gets jealous.
But later in Rahim story I wonder why Hassan mother ever came back, he didn’t say she had a reason, but I think it was that she finally saw her sin and came back just to atone for what she had done. It was sort of great that happened but there was no real reason behind her motive and though I’m not alright with what answers I got.
There was a huge change in Amir, in my opinion. Though as Amir went to look for Hassan son Sorab, I never imagined he would at first but he suddenly went and did, but in the end I think it was atonement for himself just because of his guilt and Baba. So I think he was more of trying to say sorry to Hassan but now that he knows he can’t he tries a different attempt.
            One more thing what I sort of thought that was confusing, was that why was Baba refusing to take medicine, he knows he can live just a bit longer, but he didn’t take it. But I only came up with three solution, you know that he saved up 35,000 dollars and he didn’t spend it until the wedding, I thought maybe he didn’t want to spend it and save it for something special for Amir. Another solution was that because he was just somehow prideful or thinking of medicine dishonoring him in somewhat ways. The last solution I came up with was that maybe he thought that it was finally Amir turn to fight for himself because he knows he can’t be around forever.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Response for Aakash Kite runner

This is a response to Aakash Sanju blog about the kite runner and how moving it was for him.
Kite Runner, a book by “Khaled Hosseini”. So far, this has turned out to be a moving book. It is very dramatic as well. Every time, it gets more dramatic than the before. The best word to describe this book is Extraordinary. This is in fact a fiction, although it may seem like a biography. 
So far, this book is about, an Afghan man, who is haunted by his unatoned sins. While walking in a park, somewhere in San-Francisco, he recalls for his unatoned sins. He recalls himself as a boy, and the mistakes he made. He tells all these events in a chronological order after a flashback in the very beginning of the book. 
I agree with Aakash it is a moving book. But I thought it was a true story wasn’t it because I did remember Mr. Sutherland saying it was a real story. But also though I know how you feel about it getting more dramatic every time I have that feeling now and now that I’ve read it further and other people response I feel like Amir wasn’t the jerk he put himself as but at the same time just making really bad choices at the time. Another thing though is that at first I thought it was a biography so thanks for informing me the truth. But I also like your introduction or summary of the piece so that it is talking about the beginning in your blog post as it is informative of the beginning and then summarizes everything just enough for people to understand what is happening. Though another thing I liked about this part of the blog was that you mentioned his unatoned sins but you don’t really elaborate on that as much in my opinion but still it does make enough sense. But Aakash I want to know why you feel it’s getting more dramatic… since people can just say it just is… but most of the time they are just agreeing with people. But why are you interested in it.

The Beginning... Chapter 1

The first chapter of my story is about a boy who is of 17 of age named Notle, he is supposedly a orphaned at a young age but was extremely intelligent and physical, so he took care of himself as he refused to go to a Foster Home or be adopted again. So now he is living in a apartment and there isn’t much to it but in this chapter He is going to be kidnapped and we have no reason why yet on the day of the supposed apocalypse.
It was December 21, 2012. The time of the “supposed” apocalypse, it was still really early in the morning, maybe like 1 or 2 am. I stood up all night long just waiting… to see if it was real…true about what they said. Feeling uneasy I turned on the news if they would announce if it would happen. But nada… nothing… there was not even one hint of the apocalypse. The news people were having a debate as if the apocalypse was real or not. Myself… I was both… so I just sighed and turned off the TV. I was getting sleepy anyways… so I just turned and walks towards the bed in order to sleep… acting like the walking dead as I headed towards my bed I slumped and groaned a bit from the exhaustion of deprived sleep.
            I yawned as I crawled under the bed sheet, turned over and quickly closed my eyes and was just about to hit the hay till something covered my mouth… I struggled kicking and punching trying to get whoever was holding me down… I was then restricted by my arms and legs… there were more people… I tried to scream but from whatever they had to cover my mouth was making me pass out so I slowly stop struggling… but before my last glance upon the people… they were wearing some kind of black hoodie which concealed their face. They said something in my language, but I could not understand those words.
“Were going to bring you somewhere safe… just be quiet” he said.
Confused… I wanted to respond but all I can do was mutter out “why” and then everything blurred and then went black.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Reflective on Kite runner

The part when Hassan got raped was the most intense moment, because Amir… the jerk that just let it happened as he just watched it, standing there doing nothing, and then runs away. But that wasn’t the only intense moment because the book just kept building the intensity. As it built onto when Hassan gets raped since that was what basically made Amir guilty and tried to kick Hassan out as he just tries to be a loyal servant and friend.
For an example is when Amir asked Hassan if he wanted to go up the hill so he can read for Hassan again, but when they reached the pomegranate tree, Amir grabs a pomegranate and throws it at Hassan telling him to fight back, to defend himself. But Hassan refused and kept doing so till Amir threw his 12th, finally tired from it Hassan threw one at himself and told him “Here does this make you feel better” and runs away.
Though after a while this happened Amir figured out or “thought” that if Hassan stayed here, his guilt will surely eat away at him and so he needed a way to get rid of him. As he exemplified when he asked if his dad ever thought of getting new servants and when Amir framed Hassan for stealing his watch and money. But at this part which should show how loyal Hassan was to Amir was he said yes when Baba ask him if he did. And also everyone knew that Hassan would never lie so here… he sacrificed himself for the undeserving jerk Amir.
Though at this part Hassan is getting ready to move away with his father to his father cousin but as we zoom into the part when they are just about to leave. Amir looks out at the window. He saw them leave, and didn’t even attempt to stop them or even try to tell the truth knowing full well that he will definitely get away with such a horrible deed.
But we also know that Amir would rather save his own skin then somebody else when they said that he saw his Baba cry, just when Hassan and his father told him they were going to move. This part of the story Hassan could have stopped everything and told them the whole story. But another part that show he would rather save his own skin then somebody else was when they were in the truck, the Russian soldier said he wanted to have a little one on one with one of the woman on board, Baba then defended her but Amir told him not to, and kept begging him not to as he knows that he would be orphaned if the Russian soldier killed him.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Reflectiive essay

            This semester for this year I am really surprised at how much easier it is to type up an essay and put it up on your blog then to write it up, type it, and then bring it back to school. It is easier because sometimes I forget my essay and get a bad grade on it. This really makes me feel stupid and angry at myself and I will get this really bad feeling in my gut which will mess up my concentration. Though another thing why I enjoy typing up an essay instead of writing is it quicker and faster and you start to think faster because you don’t take as much time as you do when writing. And another thing why I enjoy it is because when I type down… it is really my ideas, my thoughts, my feeling... its just there as my fingers make up my idea into words. I also like the blog as I can use it to keep track of my ideas instead of just saying “Eh…” and throw it away as it will take up more physical space. But as you notice, if I put it on my blog it will be a journal, a way of how I can keep track of my ideas because it will take up less physical space and less likely to throw it away.
            A change I had notice since Mr. Sutherland post up instructions and make it due Friday night at 11:59:59. I find it a lot less stressful and I’ve been seeing a bit improvements but not much in my writing so far because I’ve been having lots of problem with writing how I talk instead of just writing it with the correct rubric, or instruction. I’ve also been having problems with how I do run-on sentences. Another thing I’ve been having more problems with is writer blocks, since I type up faster then I can my brain usually can keep up so then I have to think a bit before I start typing up again. Though there are more problems with writing things up as its way too slow and sometimes I lose my thought before I get around to it. Also typing has helped my grammar just a little bit as online corrections tells me my mechanical errors or even sometimes help me fix my sentences unlike writing which you only have your own eyes to correct yourself.
            In my blog though I’ve found how it is a lot more fun to type as you can mess with the font and the color of your typing and also decorate your blog which acts like a “journal” or a “diary” or just something that helps you keep track with what you have typed. Though another thing is that if we do it online we can read other peoples work too, and get an idea of what we are supposed to do. But what I enjoy most about doing out homework on blogs is that we use our own individual creative minds to set out our blogs. Though one more thing, I find it more interesting to review now, since now you don’t really have your teachers breathing down your neck as you correct your blogs and fix it, making it less like homework and just a fun activity, and what more is that it will never end since there will be no final draft ever as long as if there exist the human opinion namely “criticisms”. Even so it is also great to read the feed back from people since they might put something more truthful, or something funny that will make you actually listen as I have found out. But what makes me think like is Mrs. Corbally, as she says that we have to be nice in our review, making it less like our own opinions.
            But writing blogs has also has a great influence over my life. As I had explained that typing up a blog is less stressful then writing up an essay in my first paragraph. As you can see I’m supremely grateful for this new formation of homework and I have to thank you Mr. Sutherland for this as you just took a great load off my back. But typing up blogs also had other influence like giving me the new pleasure to try and talk about stories I have come up with, even though I may not have a great deal of story telling and I’m still a bit shy on actually posting my stories. Even so I hope I will soon. And also there’s another thing I like about blog as we can make up debates or ask really important question. The debate part is kind of fun as you can be aggressive towards it and say OBJECTION (only online though but would be fun if we could do it at class). It also really cool too get feedback on your blog for a question in daily life… for instance “why do people make fun of Justin Bieber” I’ve wondered about it for a while and finally… I got a chance to upload it too somewhere people were everyone in your class can see.
            In the end I think blogging really changed my idea of English… sine I think I have thoroughly explained that it is not fun to do blogging, how it is less stressful, easier to do, and just a huge load off my back. It great just knowing that it has really changed how I write because now I can have more editing done onto my essay which is totally great and I think it was for the best that this has happen and therefore I am happy to say ALRIGHTY . So, in all great ends of this essay, I am happy and this should be an idea passed around the school district as it is just great, really great. But also if this were to be taken away… then I would really fight for this way of doing things.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

List of ideas when i become Emperor of the world

  1. Build more schools in 3rd area worlds
  2. Set up stronger police forces
  3. Add more pay to teachers and professors
  4. Limit robot production and how many each company can get
  5. Try and setup a democratic rule afterwards
  6. Focus more on technological advances and economics
  7. Fund more projects that would help large areas

Conflict Of Mice And Men

The author of the 1937 novella Of Mice and Men was John Steinbeck. The Novella story is about these two characters; George and Lennie. They travel to a ranch and get jobs but as fate has it, Lennie gets in trouble and George probably thought this was a never ending cycle. The central conflict of this story Character Vs Fate, as George speaks of what others fates are as his own will be different with Lennie.
            “Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world. They got no family. They don’t belong no place. They come to a ranch an’ work up a stake and then they go inta town and blow their stake, and the first thing you know they’re pound in’ their tail on some other ranch. They ain’t got nothing to look ahead to.”
            “With us it ain’t like that. We got a future. We got somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us. We don’t have to sit in no bar room blowin’ in our jack jus’ because we got no place else to go. If them other guys gets in jail they can rot for all anybody gives a damn. But not us.”
            The fate of which George speaks in this quote, talks about how others are like that and as George said they aren’t. This was his first step with Lennie to defying their fate, but in the epic attempt it failed dramatically. The part in which they defy fate was at the second paragraph of this quote when George said “With us it ain’t like that…”.showing their fate will be different from others but their fate was made and was only changed a bit. But as George said “They ain’t got nothing to look ahead to.” which was a truth that George and Lennie did not want to accept. It was another part of which they tried to defy the fate of which they were set on at this period of time. This quote is significant though as it shows the mind of everyone. Attempting to be special in anyway, so if you apply this to daily life, there is a sad truth behind this fate in which almost everyone ends up with.
            The next example of the central conflict of Of Mice and Men has to do with the illusion of the human mind showing how simple George and Lennie are.
            They were silent. They looked at one another, amazed. This thing they had never really believed in was coming true. George said reverently, “Jesus Christ! I bet we could swing her.” His eyes were full of wonder. “I bet we could swing her,” he repeated softly.
            This quote talks about the illusion George, Lennie, and Candy has in mind of how they think they will actually get the land. But they did not think ahead of what they might endure or what would happen, blinded with the idea, they did not think ahead of any of the intrusion of other variables will have on there plan. Even so, a strong part of this quote was the second and third sentence. “They looked at one another, amazed. This thing they had never really believed in was coming true.” This is a particularly clear example of the struggle against fate. It’s a very common idea though, even probably back then, but it very significant in its own way as no one really ever pays attention to this saying “It’s better to be safe then sorry.” concluding that if ill prepared and your going up against fate, do not expect great results.

            One of the very last quotes of Of Mice and Men that support the thesis for George and Lennie, how they were against fate till the very end.
            And George raised the gun and steadied it, and he brought the muzzle of it close to the back of Lennie’s head. The hand shook violently, but his face set and his hand steadied. He pulled the trigger. The crash of the shot rolled up the hills and rolled down again. Lennie jarred, and then settled slowly forward to the sand, and he lay without quivering.
            This last and final statement, sad as it was, finally brought up the idea that George can accept his fate and Lennie being himself, did not know how to even go about this. It felt like George had Lennie fate in his hand, since George was the one that killed Lennie when he did the action “He pulled the trigger”, showing that Lennie had no choice to begin with. Uniquely enough though this quote is an important example of how life is basically controlled by others in a endless chain, indirectly or directly which is basically what I think this quote meant.

The conclusion was significant, as it was told by two people who have been together for a long time and during the great depression too. They also talk about their dreams, a simple dream which was nearly impossible at that time. But they still worked towards what they dreamt, towards the ranch fighting off the fate they did not want to accept. This was how they said how others were to travel all over the place, work their wage, take their money, and then spend it at bars so in the end that’s what George ended up doing. Of Mice and Men also shows how on a daily basis that we all go up against fate, as we fight for the path we want, not what fate gives us and as we constantly do so, only some succeed while most others fail.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Random outburst :P


Response for Tiffany Cao

       Tiffany for one thing you should know that I only forfeited my ideas of thinking being "Serious is boring". But you also said that I was a bad boy friend for "FORGETTING" my girl friend birthday. BUT if you read carefully I said "I love how I can forget my girl friends birthday and anniversary" see the word can, I just said how I can, and you’re jumping the gun saying that I forgot my girl friends birthday. But I did not since I can remember it easily now and I was also putting up the point that said I can easily remember without any pressure.
While right now, you are forcing your ideal boy friend down my throat, if you know by now some guys can't remember people birthday well, such as me. Also I said that I tried to remember by asking her everyday for the first two week of our relationship.
But also Tiffany you also said how you wonder what my life is about, and even you tried to predict it. But you don’t really know me enough to really do that, I understand that depending on people is bad but I can’t help it, this system works for me. But I also like how my life is, depending on people for support, I feel more relaxed that way and right then you told me how to live my life, I know your trying to help me, but have you ever considered not all people are alike. And so far this system works for me so you should be okay with it too unless it really interferes with you.
Tiffany, by now you should know that you and my girl friend don’t think alike, she knows that I can’t remember it well so she reminds me when it’s close and then you know how much I go to as to remind myself too, I write little notes just about anywhere to remember it. So please Tiffany, don’t predict how a person will live or even tell them how to live.
P.S. Tiffany I’m sorry
if my tone sounds mean
but this is the way how I
like to live my life


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Third quote of the assignment

            This quote from page 111 for the story “The Dinosaur”

            Since then I had learned many things, and above all the way in which Dinosaurs conquer. First I had believed that disappearing had been, for my brothers, the magnanimous acceptance of defeat; now I knew that the more the Dinosaurs disappear, the more they extend their dominion,

            This very last quote for this assignment to show what Qfwfq is like, interested me the most. For this Qfwfq finally understand the greatness of the Dinosaurs disappearance. Confused as why they had accepted such a magnanimous defeat. He now has the respect for them and happily accept their way of thinking. Knowing full well that as each dinosaur passes away they extend their dominance. Now showing how Qfwfq can be understanding just as long as time passes by for him to learn and abstract information to get a better idea of what ideas had confused him.

Second quote for the assignment

            This quote from page 102 for the story “The Dinosaur”

            “I’d like to see him in battle, with that little lizard mouth of his…” Zahn went on contemptuously, goading me
            I went over to him, abruptly, nose to nose. “You can see me right now, if you don’t run away.”

            This quote showed how Qfwfq is prideful of his own race even though he may seem to dislike his own race. I think secretly he cares about them but he just misunderstood them as to why they died. The reason why was when Zahn said “…little lizard mouth of his…” which was a racist comment towards dinosaur even though Zahn didn’t know he really was. As you can see when Qfwfq responded back and was willing to fight back when he could have easily turned it down. Or my hypothesis can be wrong and that he actually fought for himself then he would just be a self prideful dinosaur.

First quote for the Assignment

            This quote on page 97 and on page 98 for the story “The Dinosaurs”.
            I spent many, many years on those deserted plateaus. I had survived ambushes, epidemics, starvation, frost: but I was alone. To go on staying up there forever was impossible for me. I started the journey down.
            The world has changed: I couldn’t recognize the mountains anymore, or the rivers, or the trees. The first time I glimpsed some living beings, I hid: it was a flock of the New Ones, small specimens, but strong.

            What this shows was how Qfwfq was a strong survivor. As he survived many dangers in the plateaus such as ambushes, epidemics, starvation, and frost. But what had made him a strong survivor was also his brain as he knew to hide from the new ones as they were small and strong. Even though he was strong, he was in need of a community as he felt alone. Knowing this he came down from the plateaus to find company and comfort to fill this feeling as he didn’t want to die alone emphasizing “… but I was alone.”.

Romance the Continues of Continueing

            This Quote on Susan blog was a little… something I would strong disagree about but it can be true on some parts.

            Ok, ok. Some people don't have good relationship. Want to know why? Because they're too young and they haven't lived long enough. Anyways, not ever relationship is going to work out. A lot of times a person has to date a lot of people before they find "They One." Teenagers- including myself- are not mature enough to "fall in love". Think of it this way- if you aren't ready to buy a house or have a kid or hold down a really important job, then you aren't ready to have a serious relationship, which is what "falling in love" is all about.

            I can’t deny that this is part of what love is, but in the long run love is undefined oh how it happens. Love is random so I must correct you Susan as love has many ways of happening and your just giving a simple 1 way version of it. And as you know there is an infinite possibility of how love happens. But in no way am I also saying that you’re wrong as it is true that this is a way of how love is in some people opinion. Though why would you not believe in love too Susan, well true love, even though I’m not very sure myself if it even exist. But if you think about it true love can be a possibility and a “fake idea” at the same time as true love is an idea that comes from our imagination. So I really do hope you reconsider you solution to as why people only reason to a bad relationship. There are also tons of dependant variables that cause relationship to be hell. For an example, a constant abuse of the female from the men or the female leeching money off of the man for her own purpose. So really I do hope you consider my opinion as it more freely spoken and the basic opinion of most people in this world.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Favorite shows tee hee :3(Free Topic)

            My favorite show is whatever I like, I vary on what I love and hate but I usually get so glued into one show that I will watch till the end even if it doesn’t seem to interesting to me personally. But I guess my favorite show would be School Rumble a anime I watched which is a romantic comedy. Suggesting to myself my favorite type is romantic comedy for one thing I love funny things but also I love to watch people fall in love for some reason.

            Another Show I like is a show called Ben 10: Alien Force… yes I know it’s a cartoon but I love cartoons ever since I first watched it, I grew up on cartoons and cartoons are what gives me my dreams and imagine how it would be like a little to be in their shoe. But they don’t just do that they also give me the ideas that make me who I am so if they take out cartoons I would be a walking sack of meat sent from whatever sent me to bore people to death or just be gloomy at most

            Last but not least, I love reality shows too. My favorite I think would be Zach And Cody suite life on seas or something close to that title, and just to rephrase that; Who wouldn’t love 2 dirty blonde kids wreaking havoc on a cruise ship while having things that can’t be possible like surviving huge falls, dead queen ghost taking over bodies, and monkeys that just get the best out of people. Though the funny doesn’t end there as it keeps going with the materials they’ve got I’m just laughing my butt off and if possible I would make them do their show forever not letting any of the cast members or actor grow old.

            Oh and if your reading this leave a comment on my blog to let me know what type of shows you guys like especially you Mr. Sutherland (A.k.a. Freddie). But seriously what shows do you like it would be interesting to know that. 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

Question: Why do people hate Singers (free topic)

Why the heck do people hate singers, seriously the reason I am asking this question is that i see people giving horrible excuses to hate, for an example: Justin Bieber because of his voice of it being to high or to girly and say they can't wait until he goes through puberty so his voice will fail and become a thing of the past. I think its a real stupid thing to insult a singers with no reasonable excuse for, and your not cool to hate someone that talented in other people opinion. But another reason i think like this is because people don't just hate on Justin Bieber, they also hate on Hannah Montanna for her music or so bringing up my second a little and third paragraph. And it doesn't stop there there have also been other people to hate on who were famous singers or celebrities like the Johnas Brother who supposedly also makes good music, and people say he has horrible music not even stopping the hate so really how could such things happen.

Another thing is that this influence has spread tremendously around school because I've been hearing it a lot around school... how the heck did that happen. Seriously though, how would it happen, is it because people can't think for themselves so they take other people opinion, just need something to hate on and become a hater, or just something that makes you think this way and take it as your own feeling. Seriously i mean if you don't like their song you can just ignore it or tell the people that actually do like that person song to not play it around you so you can completely avoid that specific singer you don't like.

Finally but not least, if you truly hate that singer you should really keep it to yourself or just tell the person that will probably constantly play a singer song that you dislike. The singer songs instead of saying "OH MY GOD thats the worst song ever" because that can hurt that person feeling a lot as the person can be really into the music. Which finally brings my finish to this free topic. If you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all.

Response to Kiana Blog

This is a response to Kiana Blog about fishes.
First, fish are meant to be in an ocean where they have tons of room to swim and live as they please, eating all the things humans may not be able to give to them. Sure, a person might object to my statement and say that there are big tanks for sell in many stores so they could have room to do as they want. Then again, I might reply, no matter how big you buy a tank, nothing can compare to the enormous amount of room in the ocean. The fish seem like they get tired of swimming back and forth, to and fro, up and down, zig-zags, or whatever
I do agree and at the same time don't that its cruel to put a fish in a tank, but how do you know it doesn't like it, being safe from danger of getting eaten, being fed daily, and even how do you know a fish emotion... because who knows fish probably don't even have emotions or just not advanced enough to know about it. So right now your deciding its life and thats just not fair for the fish too even though being trapped in a tank is also not very fair.

But if you say a fish can think in your blog then maybe it thinks its paradise and enjoys the peaceful quiet life since have you ever seen a fish try busting through a tank, probably not. Even so keeping a pet fish should only be allowed to those who can actually take care of a pet so i sort of agree with you while at the same time don't.

In my opinion though, fish have a simple mind and immediately your saying that fish don't like this life, have you asked a fish or talk to a fish with it responding back at you saying it hates it or doesn't enjoy it. So thats why you shouldn't be going around deciding the fate of all the fish in the world let it be or try and invent a device that'll allow you to communicate with fish while at the same time make it say no. (sorry trying not to be mean, i just wanted to finish homework)

Thursday, September 2, 2010


                    Alternative Energy V.S. Fossil Fuels
Alternative energy is sufficient and it useful because it uses nature to power our machine as it already has proven to be plentiful. Another reason for why we should stop using fossil fuel is because we’re running out. Fossil fuel also increases global warming rates creating an ice age quicker than it should. Fossil fuel kills nature. For an example is the oil leak in BP, its spreading quickly, killing fishes that can’t survive, causing illness, and also destroying many fisher mans life. Another proof is this quote from a scientist that also proves that non-alternative energy is harmful. Which this quote was from Barrack Obama stated in "Barack Obama's Plan to Make America a Global Energy Leader" and he did have studies done.

“Global warming is real, is happening now and is the result of human activities. The number of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes has almost doubled in the last 30 years. Glaciers are melting faster; the polar ice caps are shrinking; trees are blooming earlier; oceans are becoming more acidic, threatening marine life; people are dying in heat waves; species are migrating, and eventually many will become extinct. Scientists predict that absent major [green house gas] emission reductions, climate change will worsen famine and drought in some of the poorest places in the world and wreak havoc across the globe."

Another reason why alternative energy should be our primary source of power is because we will be able to keep nature alive, and at the same time have enough energy to power our cities.

"The ideal solution [to global climate change] would be to stop making waste CO2 by phasing out fossil fuels and getting our energy from solar power in all its forms (direct sunlight, wind, and hydro dams). We know how to do this today..."

Another reason for replacing fossil fuel with alternative energy is that it will be safer to work with rather than hazardous chemicals. By doing this we would be creating a positive impact on the economy by increasing the variety of jobs for the unemployed and more green jobs. This quote from John Podesta, Todd Stern, and Kit Batten from their article titled “Capturing the Energy Opportunity: Creating a Low-Carbon Economy” explain more about this.

“America could lead a global energy transformation based on more efficient technologies and clean, renewable fuels. These forces could fuel the creation of good jobs and good prospects for workers at all skill levels… we could ensure the economic security necessary, so that people can take risks and generate wealth for themselves and our country…”
“At the center of this vision is a strategy to address the greatest moral and economic challenge of our time – climate change – and turn it into our greatest opportunity. Left unchecked, the economic disruption caused by climate change will sap our resources and dampen our growth. But with low-carbon technologies and clean, renewable energy, we can capture a new global market, drive American economic growth, and create green jobs for American workers, offering new skills and new earnings opportunities up and down the economic ladder…”
“Developing, deploying, and building at this scale recalls other great economic transformations in America’s past, like the laying of our railroads and the construction of the interstate highway system. But in many ways our new challenge is even more complex since energy powers every part of the economy. Yet that’s exactly why these advancements will drive economic growth.”

Friday, August 27, 2010

This is from Mercedes Blog which i find very good because she sure does give off a persuasive saying and i think its perfect for the ASTI Constitution.

Stop and think. How do you react to a person with say, a birth defect? You automatically find them unpleasant and do your best to avoid them. I’ve seen in the head. I many a friend shy away from that one kid in a wheelchair, or that kid who isn’t quite right you take a chance and be nice to them, you’d be surprised at what you find. Though of course, in some cases you were right to shy away in the first place.
 The three saying for this i think goes perfect with it. And these are the three three: Accept others for who they are, seven: Strive to understand where other people are coming from; be empathetic, and last but not least... nine: Make a positive impact on the people and environment around you. Its really true and it has evidence practically, while it also SHOWS why the ASTI constitution is extremely needed and to prove further on my fact lets really imagine what ASTI would be like without it this constitution, and by my imagination, I say chaos itself with kids on each other beating at them or something close. Since we saw how discrimination of differences worked out for the English and saw past pretext about this proving it further that this is important and that it is needed. I also believe that ASTI wouldn't have probably been the school it is now if it weren't for this constitution which concludes my comment/argument.

What if people can make up a random holiday anytime they want...

hehe if i can do that i'm so making Eltons day

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Page 12... food

Wow is all i can say at this very moment. I did not know about the food I was eating and the corruption of the FDA. But the short food cycle that Pollan suggested seems like the better way to get healthy than those food companies claiming to be producing food said to be healthy. But its not that Americans can't eat healthy food, its just in my opinion, that food companies wouldn't allow it as they try to fatten us even more up to making us addicted to these so called "healthy" food but i also think because of no money and no time that we can't really get the food our body needs since farmer market are just a bit more expensive then fast food/frozen food. Since they only care about profit which i am not so shocked about. But the reason for out bad diet, is all those substances we can't say or pronounce or have no clue about and like Pollan said, we should buy food directly from the farm or we can actually get the corrupted FDA and replace them with better people who only want healthier diet for america. But the only thing i can do at home is actually do what Pollan said, subscribe to those farm things and let them send over healthy food keeping my body nutritious instead of those scheming food company fattening my up and giving us barely any of the nutrients we need.

Page 1 oh fun :P

      As a student, responsibility is a choice but also a thing we must willingly do if we do not want to give up on ourself, the people who believe in us, and even our country as Barack Obama stated in his speech in Arlington, Virginia. So i feel that us, as students must treat out education with great importance or a path that will decide our future as a human being because its what exactly education is. A student must also attend school unless you were sick, attending something of great importance to you personally, and if you broke a few bones but other than that go to school. Though there are also things you must do like give your teacher your full attention while also keeping track of what your teacher taught you, stopping bullying and fighting. During my school years I want to take in as much information I can since i'm interested in so many things like history or mythology so I don't just have one goal in education. One failure in my life that soon led to success was this history test. I didn't understand most of it so i got a failing grade, but after that i understood what my teacher wanted and the next time we took the test i passed it but just barely.

Page 13 ^_^

       A time when i was in a alliance to make someone feel bad was when i was in fifth grade and it was between these two people who has been best friends. I don remember much after that because i wasn't really involved in the argument for who's right and who's wrong. However i do remember a part towards its finale was quite humorous while also everything being solved and everything going back too normal. Even so during the fight i had a option to back out as my friend gave me, but i joined because i wanted to help him out. I think people bully others for three reasons. The first one is that the bully is afraid that people are going to pick on him/her first so he/she intimidate people by bullying  saying that he or she is not a push over. Bullies may also do it to show others that he's better than everyone by showing dominance. But bullies could do it because of simply jealousy which is means emotional trouble.